eating for size


New Member
I read the eating for size article, and it seems to make sense, except for one thing.

I sit in a cube ALL DAY!! (
) If i eat this much, wont it all turn to blubber? After work, I generally head to school, where i sit down.

Should I eat less? I have been putting on weight(fat i think)
Keep in mind those are merely guidelines. You need to find out what your maintenance calorie level is (where you maintain weight), and adjust up or down depending on your goals.

I too am a deskjockey; at around 180lbs my mainteanance is about 2000 cals, perhaps a bit less.

Takes some experimentation & discipline to find what works for you.
Yet another desk jockey here... 148@14% - Of course I am trying to cut...

Arbitro has stated the unfortunate truth that you may need to find what works best... What formula did you use to find your maintenance calories and how did you find it? How many calories did you add to this? 500? 600? Are you able to hit the gym at least 3x a week?

I would really recommend you either purchase a bioelectric scale or calipers w/sufficent instruction and learn how to measure your body fat. I personally love the scale because it is so easy - since I track my stats on a daily basis it's quick and easy to get consistant readings...