Ephedrine dosing


New Member
Hi guys.

I'm thinking about using E/C/A (for the first time) when I start cutting after a month and I need some help with the dosing schedule.
How do you determine your Ephedrine daily dosage ? Is there a formula using your bodyweight ? I am 223lbs (6'5"), 18 years old.

And about the scheme - I know that E/C/A should be best taken 3-4 times daily, every 3 hours and the last dose should be at least 3-4 hours before sleep.
But I've also read (in the FAQ, a comment by Lyle) that taking ephedrine before your morning cardio lowers of catecholamine leves. And I know that taking acetylsalycilic acid on an empty stomach is not a good idea.

So - what should I do ?
Any suggestions would be more than welcome...

Thank you in advance
as far as dosing goes, i think everyone has a different tolerance to e/c. what i've done is started w/ 10 mg ephedrine and 100 mg caffeine twice a day for a week. after the initial week where i built up a tolerance i am now taking the same dosage 4 times a day. i am probably going to stay there. if you follow what i did and after a week at the second dosage aren't experiencing any side effects you could go up to a total of 60 mg ephedrine and 600 mg caffeine spread throughout the day but i wouldn't go any higher than that.
Heh...I'll down 30mg eph hcl, 300mg cafeine - and sleep like a baby. I got cranky around 150mg eph hcl when I used it to keep me out of bed when I was ill last week. Should've measured my blood pressure ;)
I was wondering the same thing Angermeans was. The capsules i have are 25mg, so i guess i'm gonna start doing them twice a day along with 100mg of caffeine. What about the asprin....do you really need it? What purpose does it serve? How much should be taken? Thanks!
its just the ratio that gives you the most synergistic effect...so why ask, just do it like that :-) most caffeine pills have a dossage of 200mg each and most ephe pills 20-25mg...

the dossage is depends on sex, wheigt, sensitivity...and so on...Ill use 100mg a day and im fine...ive got friends who use 150mg but thats to much for me...ill become kind of nervous then, 150mg is the max. recommended dossage I think...so just start with 20mg a day and go up to 80-100mg and I guess youll be fine
Thanks for the replies.

Well, as Wolge recommended, I'm going to start from 20-25mg a day and increase with 10mg every day up to 100-120 (if I'm feeling fine).

What about the caffeine ? If I'm taking 100mg ephedrine daily (4x25), how much caffeine will I be needing ?
By the way, nobody said anything about taking ephedrine before your pre-breakfast cardio, which was reported to be lowering catecholamine levels ?
Any thoughts ?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Angermeans @ Feb. 17 2004,3:25)]Thanks for the replies.
Well, as Wolge recommended, I'm going to start from 20-25mg a day and increase with 10mg every day up to 100-120 (if I'm feeling fine).
What about the caffeine ? If I'm taking 100mg ephedrine daily (4x25), how much caffeine will I be needing ?
I think most agree that a 10:1 ratio is the way to go.
I've got one more question for you guys...today i just started taking 50mg of ephedrine and 200mg of caffeine and i feel like jumping...not too much, i'll get use to it. My question is this...should you take a dose before or after your workout because i took one before and i felt to jumping to do cardio. Thanks.
take it every 4 hours starting 30 min before breakfast, dont mind about the push effect, it will wear off in about 2 weeks,, but keep your caffeine ratio so 50mg e means 400-500mg c...you can take into account to add yohimbine,, i use 20mg day ant im really fine with it,, 1fast400 sells a goog quality one
Aspirin works synergistically with ephedrine, but the effect may not be big enough to justify it, since anti-inflammatories can interfere with protein synthesis.