Establishing Maxs


New Member
Anoying newbie question alert...

How exactly does one go about finding 15, 10, and 5 rep maxs?  Let’s say for the flat bench, I estimate my 15 rep max to be 155lbs.  I throw a plate and a dime on each side, and push out 18 reps before failure.  Do I just guess that my 15 rep max would be 165, or would I go back the next night and actually try 165?
I am recovering from a torn labral (shoulder cartilage) repair and really want to give HST a try when I get back to the gym.  I think that I have been over-training using the “some’s good, more’s better” way of thinking.  I know some of my greatest gains were achieved in my basement back when I did something similar to HST without knowing what I was doing.
Father Time
51 years old, 6’1”, 195, 17.3% BF
Not annoying at all.
You don't have to wait til the next night, just rest about 3 minutes or so add 5lbs and see where you are at (with two sets you should be able to ID your RM for whatever range). Then take a day off, do the same for tens, take a day off, do the same for 5's. Or you could just get your 10RM and estimate the 15's and 5's. It is better if you know the first time around so you don't have as much shifting during the cycle. But if you want to estimate read the FAQ on estimating you maxes, or use a rep calculator, you can find them on the web.
Good Luck and welcome aboard :)