etothepii's TST



Blatantly stealing bandwidth here. Not an HST or SST thread, but I need a log, I think, to keep myself on track.

So, I am on the quest to participate in triathlons. I did a duathlon, a 5k, a 10k run this past season, plus a 100 mile bike tour, and the competition bug has bitten me. I will be doing 1-2 duathlons, and 2-3 triathlons (sprint distance) next season, and I need to spend all winter preparing.

I am a slow runner, a good cyclist, and a beginner at swimming.

I bulked up to 172 at the end of my last HST cycle, more than a year ago. I sort of fell off of weight training to prepare for the challenge of a spring duathlon (run 2 miles, bike 13 miles, run 5k). I dropped 10 pounds and finished in the top 50% of participants. I was proud, but knew I could do better, and now I'm committed.

I spent the summer running and biking, lifting occasionally. I ate everything I wanted and more, and didn't gain a pound.

Now that the school year has started up I am trying to lose 10 more pounds. I am training less, becouse of my schedule, so that means dieting too. About 2000 calories per day.

I am running around 3x per week, swimming 2x per week, and cycling (indoors on a trainer) about 2x per week. I am also trying to work in lifting 2x per week too.

Coming from HST, I can't wrap my brain around other triathletes' lifting protocols.

I'm doing 15's now, just to get back into it. I think I will do an HST progression, just to get the system used to heavy stuff, and from there, will undulate the weights, switching it up every few sessions.

As far as the log goes, here's my week:

Sun:Cycled 45 minutes.
Mon: Swam 30 laps: 10 warm up, 10 singles (faster), 10 cool down
Tues: Ran 5k
Wed: Swam, 2 sets of 16 laps, slow and easy
Thurs: Ran 5k
Thanks, Colby.

Not much to post today. I plan to lift after work, and take a little bike ride.

I haven't mentioned diet... I'm using fitday (again) to track calories. I'm eating 2000 per day. Early results seem to be good. After a couple weeks, I'm feeling a lot more comfortable buttoning my pants!

I read Dr. Pierre's advice on my other thread. I've had a general physical recently, but no specific cardio testing.  Hmm...

A note to anyone browsing through, I am not training for the famous "Iron Man" type triathlon you see on TV. I'm starting this season with sprints, which are around 800m swim, 15 mile bike, 5k run. I may work up to an Olympic length tri, which is about double that. After a few years, if I stick with it, I could forsee a half Iron Man, but that would take a few years of serious dedication.
Hey, ho... back on the training log...

Cycled on the trainer Friday and Saturday. Took Sunday and Monday off...

Ran yesterday, swimming today. Weighed in at 157.5 this morning.

Staying real casual about training right now. I see myself as maintaining my base until January, then working on improvement from Jan 1 until the Spring.

It's too stressful right now to do a lot of hard serious training, but the 5-6 time per week workout with no seriously high intensity is great.
Swam 30 laps yesterday, 10 warm up, 10 singles at high to moderate intensity, and 10 cool down.

This morning I ran 5k.

Diet is around 1800 calories per day right now. (recovering from 3000 to 4000 on Monday).
Well crap. Holidays wrecked me. So it's yet another new start.

I've been running, lifting, riding bike on the trainer a little, but I have eaten way too much garbage.

At one point, I got on the scale and it read 172.5. That was the wake-up call. I was down to 166 a couple days later. No doubt, I was bloated from holiday food. But now, after a week of 1500 calories per day, I'm at 161. The goal is 150. But I also need to maintain a mileage base through January and February.

There is a half marathon in March. Perhaps that goal would be a motivator. Maybe, maybe not. I plan on spending a lot of cash on triathlons, to the half may not be a good idea. But still, I need to keep going.

I think I'll schedule some 5 k's. Strict diet and regular exercise. I think I'll work in a swim once per week through January, then up it to 2/week, then 3/week.

As the weather warms, cycling will be easier.

So where do I stand? Run or lift most days, cycle on the trainer occasionally. Eat 1500 calories per day. And, DO NOT BACKSLIDE!!!