Extra weeks with 5's


New Member
Probably thats beacause I am dumb, but I still dont understand fully what to do in the 2 extra weeks of 5's.

First what i do know:

- it is not mandatory to do these weeks, although desireble

- for those who perform the extra 2 weeks, the Sd should be 14 days.

- not all exercises are good for "negatives"

- in case of not having a spotter or when the exercise doesnt suit well for the "negatives", stick 2 more weeks with the 5's max

ok, my doubts refer mainly to the concept of negative

1- "Aim for a lowering cadence of 2-4 seconds."

Q: wasnt this same lowering cadence necessary every begining of a microcycle (15's,10's and 5's)?

2- "Select a load which is approximately your 2-rep max and do 1-2 concentric+3-4 eccentric reps for all 6 workouts of this phase. This is the easiest way and should be followed for your first try with the program."

Q: would that 3-4 eccentric inlcude the 1-2 repititions mentioned regarding the concentric part? I mean would this text mean: 1-2 concentric/ eccentric + 1-2 only eccentric repetitions?

3 - Should the volume during the negative phase be kept the same as in the 5's? if so, should the negative method be applied to every single set?

4- How to mix both negative and dropsets during the negative phase? I mean, should I do dropsets every single set that already is being done under negative principles?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (joseBrazil @ June 24 2005,8:40)]
I'm not going to adress each question I will just give you my thoughts on the overall jist of what I think you are asking.

IF you want to extend the 5's then simply keep working out with your 5 rep max weight as long as you can see benefit. By benefit I mean, either continually growing or increasing strength. If your joints give you problems, you stop gaining weight or you see your strength stagnating or waniing then SD.

If you wish to do Negs, then do the eccentric portion (the negative) by lowering the weight under control, usually at this weight the speed is dictated for you by the weight, so no need to worry about how fast of a lowering you need. Just keep it under control and for god's sake DONT get hurt.

Drops are performed in either case, when extending your 5's or doing negs. Immediatley following your work set strip some weight off the bar and do a drop, rep it out until you feel the burn.

Volume during your negs should be about the same as your last week of 5's, meaning if going by Bryan's plan you should have been doing one set of 5's in the last week, granted this varies greatly by individual (so don't start bouncing up and down saying no no no I do 3 sets), so do 5 negative reps your last couple of work outs. Word of caution, negatives when done improperly can be very dangerous to your connective tissue so again keep it under control, if you are not able to keep it under control for the full 5 reps then stop at the last rep where you could. Because of this I would recommend in the first workout or two trying to do 2 mostly concentric reps first then the last 3 concentrate on the negative portion increasing the number of eccentric reps each workout.