Hi, I had a question concerning my wacky fat% measurements.
On the advice of posts I've read here, I went and bought myself a pair of slimguides calipers. I had originally been using accumeasure digital calipers, but those measurements were even wackier.
I've become more exact about my calories and such in an attempt to be consistent, but my current fat % measurements seem very out of whack.
I'm currently doing a close to cyclic ketogenic diet, with little to no carbs during the week (except for a scoop of dextrose powder in my post workout protein shake), with MWF minicycles on HST.
Now, maybe my calipers are faulty or something, but the last measurement I took 2 weeks ago (on my last workout day of the week) said I was 13% body fat, which seemed good progress for me, as I felt and looked skinnier than when I started working out again 6 months ago. But today I took my measurements and it said I increased about 3-4% in body fat.
I have been eating 2000 cal or less daily, depending on whether it's my workout day or not, using fitday to measure my intake.
The bizarre thing is my workout partner is eating the same as me, but when I measured him today, his body fat came out to being less than mine, which I find to be impossible since he has always been a bigger guy than me (in the fat sense). I have a skinny, tall and lanky frame, where as he is shorter and more pudgy. Also, his fat around the arms is much less than mine, which I also find weird, since my arms look bigger than his, though I have yet to measure that physically.
So I'm left with a few questions/dilemmas that I was hoping to ask here:
1)Should I measure before I do anything? (i.e breakfast, drinking water, anything at all)
2)Is this the best way to go about judging fat? Or should I find another way, such as before/after pictures and go off of those only (and I do take them, but have yet to see much change)?
3)Are my calipers faulty and am I just paranoid/impatient and just should wait until next week when I'm in SD to measure again, and wait another month as I am into my next cycle to see what my fat measurement is?
I'm sorry if these seem a bit goofy for questions/hypochondriac-like, but I was reading some of singleton's posts on his fat loss, and how in them it stated that 3% fat loss occurred in 2 months. It's taken me 6 months to get to this point, (but again, I didn't have my slimguides then, but now I'm wary I didn't calculate correctly or that mine are faulty), and I'm worried that I'm doing something majorly wrong.
Anyways, thanks in advance to anyone who can shed some light and can help answer, I really appreciate it.
On the advice of posts I've read here, I went and bought myself a pair of slimguides calipers. I had originally been using accumeasure digital calipers, but those measurements were even wackier.
I've become more exact about my calories and such in an attempt to be consistent, but my current fat % measurements seem very out of whack.
I'm currently doing a close to cyclic ketogenic diet, with little to no carbs during the week (except for a scoop of dextrose powder in my post workout protein shake), with MWF minicycles on HST.
Now, maybe my calipers are faulty or something, but the last measurement I took 2 weeks ago (on my last workout day of the week) said I was 13% body fat, which seemed good progress for me, as I felt and looked skinnier than when I started working out again 6 months ago. But today I took my measurements and it said I increased about 3-4% in body fat.
I have been eating 2000 cal or less daily, depending on whether it's my workout day or not, using fitday to measure my intake.
The bizarre thing is my workout partner is eating the same as me, but when I measured him today, his body fat came out to being less than mine, which I find to be impossible since he has always been a bigger guy than me (in the fat sense). I have a skinny, tall and lanky frame, where as he is shorter and more pudgy. Also, his fat around the arms is much less than mine, which I also find weird, since my arms look bigger than his, though I have yet to measure that physically.
So I'm left with a few questions/dilemmas that I was hoping to ask here:
1)Should I measure before I do anything? (i.e breakfast, drinking water, anything at all)
2)Is this the best way to go about judging fat? Or should I find another way, such as before/after pictures and go off of those only (and I do take them, but have yet to see much change)?
3)Are my calipers faulty and am I just paranoid/impatient and just should wait until next week when I'm in SD to measure again, and wait another month as I am into my next cycle to see what my fat measurement is?
I'm sorry if these seem a bit goofy for questions/hypochondriac-like, but I was reading some of singleton's posts on his fat loss, and how in them it stated that 3% fat loss occurred in 2 months. It's taken me 6 months to get to this point, (but again, I didn't have my slimguides then, but now I'm wary I didn't calculate correctly or that mine are faulty), and I'm worried that I'm doing something majorly wrong.
Anyways, thanks in advance to anyone who can shed some light and can help answer, I really appreciate it.