Fats -- Are saturated really that bad?


New Member
I hear that saturated fats are good for building muscle. I don't remember why, something with hormones. Idea was to eat red meat and eggs, add cream to protein shakes, etc.

Just wondering what kind of diet difference mostly efa's vs. mostly saturated fats would be. Or 50/50 for that matter.

I don't know a whole lot about the "fats" when it comes to dieting to tell the truth.

Thanks alot,
Even though he moght not be the most popular guy around here, Berardi recommens getting that a third of your fats each day are saturated.
Berardi also recommends seperating carbs and fats, and having me take in at LEAST 4000 cals a day to grow. *Rolls eyes*
I would stick to EFA or at least monounsaturated. IMHO :)

Maybe I'm wrong but I think it has something to do with Cholesterol and Testosterone. IF that's the case, Fishoil has more Cholesterol than Lard but it is HDL not LDL so it's better for general health. I am not sure if HDL or LDL is what is used to make Testoterone, or even either for that matter.

Nothing aside from outright poison is really completely bad for you, it's the amount of it you eat that usually determines whether it's good or bad. There are even a couple transfats found in nature that are good to eat, though they aren't the kind you find in twinkies. Moderation is your best bet. Saturated fats have some utility in your body, but less so than unsaturated fats, so it's good to keep the saturated ones to a minimum is all.

Seems like the original poster was talking about the rumor that fats (saturated fats) help with test production. I think that was also what Dan more specifically asked you to clarify.

So what do you think...many people believe that diets high in fat help produce test, is this true?
