FDA ban of Andro

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Instead of linking I decided to post the form itself:

It has come to my attention that a bill (HR 207) has been introduced that aims to classify a wide variety of nutritional supplements as controlled substances. As a consumer of nutritional supplement products, I am gravely concerned about the consequences of this bill.

This bill represents an abuse of the legislative system, and a blatant misuse of the controlled substance act. How can the government vote to overnight make criminal the possession of substances which have been used safely for years by millions of people? How can the government agree to allow the attorney general to classify compounds as controlled substances without determining the existence of any appropriate toxicological or pharmacological activity? Was the controlled substance act enacted with the intention that it may be used as a political tool?

If the government believes nutritional supplements such as androstenedione and DHEA are unsafe and wishes to restrict access to them, then let it do so through already established and legitimate means. Let the government produce the evidence that these substances are a risk to individuals and society, or that they meet the legal/scientific qualifications to be listed as controlled substances. Then, and only then, may the government be allowed to act.

If this bill is passed it will directly affect the freedoms and lives of millions of consumers, including mature individuals that use DHEA and androstenedione for anti-aging / life-extension purposes. If this bill is passed then there will assuredly be a massive backlash come re-election time.

This can be submitted here:

The Bill was passed and was, as far as I recollect, signed into law by President Bush. It goes into effect early 2005.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (BIZ @ Dec. 06 2004,6:40)]The Bill was passed and was, as far as I recollect, signed into law by President Bush. It goes into effect early 2005.
If it were not for the amount of $$ involved or the complete lack of knowledge by normal consumers it would not matter. Sadly I doubt enough people would be interested enough to matter. I guess its open season on stronger "supplements" ;) ... If I'm going to do something illegal...

The supplement companies are going to make some big money for a few weeks leading up to the ban. After that, be on the look out for a wave of new and improved herbal test boosters!

In the meantime, the fellas whose desire for more muscle outweighs their desire to stay out of court will switch to the real deal (or a counterfeited version of the real deal), and the government probably considered that when making their decision. Makes me wonder about the recent spike in media coverage of Bonds, Giambi, Balco Labs, etc...
[b said:
Quote[/b] (BIZ @ Dec. 13 2004,3:20)]Makes me wonder about the recent spike in media coverage of Bonds, Giambi, Balco Labs, etc...
The recent media blitz on steroids will only confuse the issue in the minds of average people. They are being presented with the idea that steroids are Faustian potions designed for cheating and cheating only.

Most people believe that steroids are dangerous drugs and are used only by criminals and the criminally minded.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]The recent media blitz on steroids will only confuse the issue in the minds of average people. They are being presented with the idea that steroids are Faustian potions designed for cheating and cheating only.
Serves the feds well to have a bunch of confused and brainwashed zealots out there "fighting the good fight". Alas, those of us who have bothered to educate ourselves on the matter can only sit back and shake our heads. :confused:
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bryan Haycock @ Dec. 13 2004,6:20)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (BIZ @ Dec. 13 2004,3:20)]Makes me wonder about the recent spike in media coverage of Bonds, Giambi, Balco Labs, etc...
The recent media blitz on steroids will only confuse the issue in the minds of average people. They are being presented with the idea that steroids are Faustian potions designed for cheating and cheating only.
Most people believe that steroids are dangerous drugs and are used only by criminals and the criminally minded.
That's a real shame eh?

Would you use Steroids if they were legal? Do you/have you used prohormones?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (OneMoreRep @ Dec. 13 2004,11:49)]That's a real shame eh?
Would you use Steroids if they were legal? Do you/have you used prohormones?
Steroids are only schedule III drugs, something to keep in mind. Not that there's any sense to the Drug Scheduling as such.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (xahrx @ Dec. 14 2004,8
[b said:
Quote[/b] (OneMoreRep @ Dec. 13 2004,11:49)]That's a real shame eh?
Would you use Steroids if they were legal? Do you/have you used prohormones?
Steroids are only schedule III drugs, something to keep in mind. Not that there's any sense to the Drug Scheduling as such.
Actually, I'm just wondering if Bryan would use steroids if they WERE legal (knowing what he knows about them)... Also, if he has/does use prohormones...
or if he would even tell us if he did?