flax seed oil and fish oil


New Member
im currently taking cod liver oil: omega-3, EPA, DHA

Flax seed oil (which i only just found out is the same as linseed oil here in the uk......i spent months searching for flax which i couldnt find)

Flax is rich in omeg-3 and linoleic acid right?

so why do people take both? is it for the extra linoleic acid or are there other ingredients?
I'd just stick with the fish oil.

Do a search and I think you'll find lengthy discussions of the pros and cons. The reason I avoid flax is that I use too much caffeine, and caffeine evidently interferes with the metabolism of flax oil (it won't provide the desired EPA/DHA).
I take in Udo (which has flax) and fish oil. I found that if you take in enough fish oil, you don't even need caffeine.

But I figure flax oil may have other nutrients or fatty acids which may prove to be helpful in the future.

Adding some Vitamin E may be important if somebody's taking flax, so that the effects of oxidization are lessened.

The key point, which Virtualcyber made, is that the conversion rate for the lineolic acid in flax oil to EPA is about 2%.

I take Searslabs's pharmacudetical grade fish oil. It's expensive, but you can feel the effects immediately (1800mg EPA, 900mg DHA.)

What about NOW brand of fish oil? They have 2 kinds, i suppose. 1 has the EPA significantly higher than the DHA while the other has the DHA higher than the EPA.

The one with EPA higher than DHA is also more expensive. Does the ratio matters? as in, Which one is better suited for our purposes (muscle building)?

What are the recommendations for fish oils? 6g of fish oils or 6g of EPA/DHA?? If it is the latter, i am going to be broke....
. I am currently taking GNC's fish oils, 6g/day, 180mg EPA/ 120mg DHA per cap.

Finally, can someone give me ideas regarding where can i get my good fats sources from? (besides fish oil and flax oil, whole food)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (vicious @ Oct. 23 2002,4:19)]I take in Udo (which has flax) and fish oil. I found that if you take in enough fish oil, you don't even need caffeine.
wait...what does fish oil do exactly?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Does the ratio matters? as in, Which one is better suited for our purposes (muscle building)?

I think the DHA has more to do with brain functioning, whereas EPA regulates the enzymes which affects DGLA production. I take fish oil more for overall well-being than hypertrophy.

The recommended dosage begins at 500mg EPA (I don't know about DHA.) The "whoa nelly" effects happen at 1200-1800mg EPA. And the "miracle fish oil" effects begin at 3600mg EPA.

This is annoying to do with fish oil caps. But the pharmaceditcal grade fish oil (which has higher EPA/DHA concentration) lets me get in 1800mg EPA with just one teaspoon.

If you take too much fish oil, than you may thin out your blood too much and cause bleeding. But I think it's in great excess of those dosages.

wait...what does fish oil do exactly?

The fish oil does another things to increase your attention. The DHA helps brain functioning. The EPA improves blood circulation as well as lower fasting insulin levels and increase insulin sensitivity. Heck the stuff even fights clinical depression. :lol

I accidentally took in one tablespoon of fish oil before going to sleep. I woke up the next day after 7 hours feeling like I slept 10 hours.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (restless @ Oct. 27 2002,5:15)]I use cod liver oil, it's much cheaper.
watch out for excessive vitamin A from the cod oil, it is fat soluble and can have some rather nasty side effects if builds up to toxic levels, which can be quite easy if you get a lot of carrots, pumpkins etc etc in your diet as well
Does anyone know how much EPA is in cod liver oil? I have tried to find out but all I seem to find is the vitamin content.