Had to tweak the program


New Member
Hi all
I have been lifting for about three years. The last year and a half or so has been met with progress but also stumbling blocks ( ie injuries ) that have caused me to "tweak" my HST routine. Let me explain. I hope this doesn't turn into a 350 page novel.
I am first and foremost a martial artist. I no longer compete but I still try to train ( martial arts training ) with high intensity. I am 38 and have been involved in martial arts since my preteens. I never really touched a barbell until a few years ago. A few years ago I noticed a significant drop in my speed. I was never really strong but I was always fast. Whatever I lacked in strength I made up for in speed and now it seemed that I was losing it. So now I am condemed to being weak and slow. I bought a book called "Warrior Speed" by Ted Weimann. This book basically said that weight training increased your speed. I was sold. Bought some weights and a bench and started going at it. I didn't noticed any increase in speed. But I started getting bigger and I liked it! Suddenly I wasn't worried about my speed anymore.....I wanted to look like a male cover model!
Anyhow...a year or so went by. A freind told me about a weight training program called Max OT. I applied it to only a few of my exercises to see how it worked out for me. After a couple weeks of doing it, I began to notice pain in my joints. Mostly my wrists and my left elbow. The elbow pain scared me because I felt it mostly on my bench press and I lift alone. What if my elbow gave out on a heavy bench press with no spotter?? I decided to take some time off from lifting.
During my time off I discovered HST on the internet. I decided to give it a try. All was going smoothly until I got to the second week of the 5 rep cycle. My wrist pain, and worse yet, my elbow pain returned. I also suffered a painful foot problem that didn't have anything to do with lifting, but lifting seemed to agrivate it big time. So my strategic deconditioning went on a little longer than I planned.
I decided to do HST again. But I decided that my joints just do not agree with heavy weight and low reps. I figured I would have to change things a little. I would leave out the 5 rep phase and increase the 15 rep and 10 rep stages by one week. Once I reached my 15 rep max, I would stay there for one week, possibly trying to make it to 16 reps on a couple of exercises during the last workout of that week. I would do the same thing once I reached my 10 rep max. Then for the last week, I would add just a couple pounds ( literally ) to the bars and get as many reps as I could.
So...to date I went through one HST cycle using the standard 15,10, and 5 scheme; and one cycle using only 15s and 10s but doing one extra week at their maxes and then adding just a couple pounds at the end of the 10 rep max for one week. I have just started my second cycle using only 15s and 10s and I have had no elbow pain at all and just a very small amount of wrist pain on curls during the end of the cycle.
I am very happy with it so far. Good gains and very little joint pain. But I figured I would run it by the experts here to make sure that I am still following sound HST science. I seemed to remember reading something that Bryan said about not tweaking HST, but I would rather tweak it a bit than have my elbow give out during a bench press with my 5 rep max. Ouch.
Any comments??
I think what you are doing is a good idea. Never work out under painful conditions. It will only aggravate the condition. You method is excellent. My only suggestion would be that with your next cycle you might try a couple weeks of 8's as well. With the high amount of metabolic work that you are doing with the 15's, I wouldn't be surprised to see you wrist and elbow pain to disappear.

One last comment. I ran into that exact pain in my elbows and wrists a few years ago. It turns out I had a case of Lyme's disease ( I live 8 miles from Lyme, Ct). That was causing the pain. It took a 6 month cycle of antibiotics to get rid of the disease. However, had I not noticed it in time, it could have effected my heart and kidneys. So, make sure your pain is not related to Lymes! It's just a simple blood test.

Good luck.
One other thing you might try, if you do want to do 5's again, or maybe even with the 8's that O.G. suggested, you might want to add a burn set of 15's after some of your worksets in the lower rep ranges.
You also mentioned that the pain didn't occur until the second week of 5's so maybe you could try just one week of 5s? I would definitely at least try some 8s though, like O&G suggested.
thanks for your responses. I appreciate it. I just may try some 8s and see what happens. Old and Grey...did your joints hurt all the time due to lyme disease or only when you lifted heavy??

With Lyme's, I had dull aches most of the time that would become more sharp as I lifted heavier weights.