Help For alternate workout


New Member
Good Morning everybody,
I'm writing from Italy (sol please sorry my bad english)
I'm training with HsT since 2007 and this is my last workout:
Trap Bar
Bench Press
Pull Up
Shoulder Press
Push Down
EZ Bar Curl
what I've learn abuot my body:
1) About Trap Bar is better not reach the max level of intensity and use a larger % of increment (otherwise I drop into
overtraining and insomnia.
2) I shuold use 9 reps range insead 10 and 6 reps range instead 5.
3) SD for 7 days in enought
Now my question:
I've red the sample HST workout, is different respet when I've started and is suggestet to alternate workout.
About delts is suggested to alternate shoulder press with rear delts (that good cause I've poor rear delts).
What is not clear for me is can I alternate the 2 excercise how is suggested reaching the max weight on 5° and 6° workout?
1° workout 80% Rear Delts
2° workout 80% shoulder Press
3° workout 90% Rear Delts
4° workout 90% shoulder Press
5° workout 100% Rear Delts
6° workout 100% shoulder Press
Is this correct? And Witch excercise is suggested for rear delts?
Thaks a lot for your help
Yes, that's correct.

These exercises are good for rear delts, in my personal experience:

Close-grip seated rows
Rear-delt raises
Pull ups (supinated)
Thank you very much!
Is possible to extend the "alternating philosopy" also to other excercise? Cause shoulder press and delts are similar but is not same excersise...To reach max intensity 2 time instead 1 in two week can cause overtraining?
I alternate most exercises.

Military:seated shoulder press
BB bench: DB bench
Seated calf: standing calf
etc etc

You just need to manage your fatigue. You can, for example, do one working set on the first of the 100% workouts, then 2 or 3 sets on the second and last of your 100% workouts. Ive almost never found it a problem doing full RM twice in the last week. I split upper and lower with an A and B workout so Im actually doing 4 "100%" workouts on the final week of my mini-cycles.
Thank a lots,
Next cycle I'll try (at first on delts, my weak point)

I alternate most exercises.

Military:seated shoulder press
BB bench: DB bench
Seated calf: standing calf
etc etc

You just need to manage your fatigue. You can, for example, do one working set on the first of the 100% workouts, then 2 or 3 sets on the second and last of your 100% workouts. Ive almost never found it a problem doing full RM twice in the last week. I split upper and lower with an A and B workout so Im actually doing 4 "100%" workouts on the final week of my mini-cycles.