help with cutting for newbie to hst


New Member
Hey guys,
I could use some help before really getting into hst. Tote has been helping me some but I need someone to critique my routine please.
My goals are to drop about 25-30lbs, I am currently 203lbs at 5"5 have a powerlifting background and some bodybuilding also for past 8 yrs solid.
My diet is good at 2300 cals per day but needs to drop to 2100. I plan on doing the folowing: alternate workouts on mon, wed, fri.
bench-chins-upright rows one day, dips-rows -db shoulder press the other. squats on a monday, deads on a friday, all for 2-3 sets of 5 reps.
cardio will be intervals for 20 minutes 2x week steady state for 30min 1x week.
Any suggestions? Bye the way I am 54 years old so keep recuperation in mind.
I too, am 54, but at 5'11" & 232 lb. with a goal of 10lb fat loss per quarter. Check out my training log to see what's working for me. I'm currently at 2350 cals/day and dropping roughly 2lb/week with zero cardio so far.
Thanks t-man,
I will be following your plan to see how you do. The reason being, I saw your pics and it was almost like looking in a mirror, we are the same body type and build looks like.