How do YOU count your protien?


New Member
I'm just wondering how you all count your protien? Do you count everything like the protien in the bread you eat, milk protien, protien in that breakfast bar you ate? I count most of it myself and average 200g+ a day (sometimes I hit 300g+).
My other question is my diet. My gains have been slowing down since my first couple cycles of HST. HST still put far more muscle on me than anything, but I only gain maybe 2-5lbs (solid pounds) per cycle. I've tried to eat more this time, but I'll post my typicle diet on a workout day.
***My protien shakes consist of one scoop of whey and two large raw eggs with 1 cup of milk.)

I'm 185lbs give or take. I'd like to hit 195!

- Shake (first thing)
- 2 yogurts
- tuna sandwich (whole can, brown bread, with gouda cheese.)
- turkey slice or leftover pot roast sandwich with cheese
- Kellogs Vector energy bar (about 215cal, 9g prot)
- 2-3 yogurts
- Shake (post workout)
- dinner (chicken, steak, porkchop, beef stew, roast, ect... 3-4 potatos and veggies.)
- evening meal, usually two toasted whole wheat slices with 2x table spoons of p-butter on each and a glass of milk.
- before bed..... shake.

P.S. I drink more milk than listed here. Usually a litre or more a day.

Oh yes, and some interesting facts. My fitness instructor at school did my body comp (body fat, bone mass, the works). Turns out I burn 3200cal avg at basil.... so, doing nothing I burn that? He thought that was nuts (I'm 28). I also have the highest lung capasity in the class. Higher than 19 year old hockey players who haven't smoked a day in their lives....
hi. i just actually just started being serious about my diet a lil over a month ago. now i dont like to remember precisely how much of what i've eaten before so i do something that works for me.

right now during bulking i'm taking in 2500calories. now i try to go by the 40-30-30 rule (40% carb, 30% protein , 30% fat) so

2500 x 30% = 750 calories from protein
750 / 4 = 187.5g of protein

now i meat 5 meals a day every 3 hours so

187.5g / 5 = 37.5g of protein per meal, give or take

i'm not anal about being to the decimal accurate, just as long as it's precise.

so i try to make sure each meal is around:
500calories, 50g carbs, 37.5g protein, 16.6g fat

all equally distributed so i dont have to keep a paper log or memory log and having to add it all up at the end of the day.
i eat mostly everything that has labels (grocery), but if not then i just use an estimate based on what i find on the internet.
(like 1 large egg = 75calories, ~7g protein)

5lbs of lean mass per cycle is pretty good for me, but i guess if you are not yet taking the HST:CRE u might wanna give it a try. right now on its sale, it is excellent for the price.
For at least the past six months I have been way to anal about my protein/diet tracking. I would go on fitday and "build my meal" every day. I guess that worked best because I have done some cutting on the past and like to recalculate the details as the weight changes...

Anyways , that's way too much work now. Yeah, I've always counted ALL my protein including the stuff that comes from bread and other foods. But what I've done now to meet my diet req's is simply build a week or two of meal plans (with Sat as my "off day") and keep using it over and over. On Sunday I throw all my morning and afternoon meals together for the week in about 20-30 minutes. Then, during the week it's just a matter of checking my meal print out and grabbing it out of the fridge.

Oh and by the way, I don't need to be informed that I have an obsessive component in my personality ;-)
Then there are extremes (ME :D ) I count everything that goes in my mouth, that has macronutrients of course, I am overly anal about what I eat, I eat pretty much the same thing every day( Makes my Wife Nuts, but it easy to go the grocery store). I keep an Excel Spreadsheet that totals Macro, Thermogenic deduction, and percentages. Yes even water, plus weight weekly and %BF. I eat six times per day, so eating the same things makes it easy to update my spreadsheet.