How does this workout look?


New Member
Hi guys, I feel like I want to give HST another try since it's what I used when I got my best results a long time ago when I was into lifting. I forgot what lifts I used to do back then, so I decided to pick new exercises, however, our gym is a little limited in some regards. Here's a list of exercises that I think I'm going to do, I'd just like to make sure that they'd be viable in helping me with the gains I hope to achieve.

Leg Curl
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Curls
Seated Calf Raise
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Seated Rows
Wide Grip Pulldown

Any advice or confirmation would be much appreciated.
Id ditch the bicurls and do pulldowns with palms towards you, so you'll hit bi's there. Plus you need to get some tricep work: dips or skullcrushers.
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