[b said:
Quote[/b] ]How did I get my hardest biceps pump ever?? with fatty peanuts
Try Planterol. It works like Synthol except the leakage tastes good on fries.
Paleontholic data suggests mankind's (dom dom dom dom . . . ) diet was 1:1 n6:n3 until 200 years ago, 2:1 n6:n3 100 years ago, and 40-200:1 in the modern age of Mickey Death.
However, mankind (dom! dom!

didn't get omega 3 from flax, but fish and animals raised in a wild, non-grain diet, both which naturally have high concentration of long-chain n3 in their fat. (Animals raised on grain feed have negligible N3.) The N3 in flax and other plant oils are short-chain and need to go through a conversion (rate is about 2.5%) into long-chain to be really useful.
Both N3 and N6 are polyunsaturated fats. Vegetable oils, except olive oil, have high amount of polyunsaturated fats, virtually all in N6. Vegetable oils (except olive oil) are bad if they're refined because much of the N6 has been oxidized into trans fatty acids.
Unrefined vegetable oils is good if eaten in small amounts. However, unless you're lean, you get most N6 acids from stored bodyfat. So extra virgin olive oil should be your base fat source.
Most recommend a ratio of 1:1 to 4:1 n6:n3. Animal fat has very low amounts of polyunsaturated fat. If you use olive oil as your base, than all you need is a teaspoon of flax or 3-4 grams of fish oil.
Some BBers get zealous about taking in flax or N3 in general. This may not be a good idea because polyunsaturated fats get oxidized and turn into free radicals. You can take an antioxidant to combat this, but it's probably better to just take only enough EFAs.
EPA dosages should start at 500mg. I take in 1800mg of EPA, which is what Barry Sears recommends and what most studies use. I feel that 500mg is just too low. The changes at 1800mg from a health point of view is tangible and immediate -- better concentration, better moods, better sleep, better workouts. If you have money, going for 1800mg is well worth the investment.
Many fish oil products have contaminants or are rancid (the N3s are oxidized.) Both can do more harm than good. Buy fish oil that has been molecular distilled or has a pharmacudetical grade. You will know it's good fish oil if it tastes "clean", is gentle on your stomach, and doesn't leave fish breath.
I'd recommend pharmacudetical grade. Just 3 capsules gives you 1800mg EPA and has much higher concentrations of DHA. It is however more expensive.
Too much EPA isn't a good thing, though. Too high levels of EPA can lead to internal bleeding and can depress the immune response. Also, EPA can decrease DGLA production too much, which can lead to other problems (such as dry skin.) Which leads to . . .
GLA increases DGLA production, which leads to eicasanoids, which leads to your hormonal profile. It's said to activate BAT metabolism but no study has stated this effect was significant. Like EPA, the effects can be felt within a day, particularly by your skin. Your body produces GLA (roughly 250mg - 1 gram), though less so the leaner and older you become. Moreover, your ethnicity affects GLA production.
GLA ought to be taken with EPA, Some suggest the ratio ought to be 4:1 epa:gla. Some suggest 1:1 epa:gla. Some say start with 15mg. Other say start with 150mg.
Confusing really. Omega-3 (EPA or flax oil) dries up my skin. I fussed over ratio until I added GLA., and it fixed my problem. In fact, if I take in enough GLA, I can emulate my oily teenage years.
Get GLA from evening primrose oil.
I wouldn't worry about this too much. I eat most of my fat with my protein, but that's more out of convenience. There's some disagreement about how much carbs and fat should be eaten for energy.