hows my routine look?

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Bicep Curls x 2
Incline Bench x 2
Bent Over Barbell row x 2
Shoulder DB press x 2
Lateral raise x 2
Standing Tricep Extensions x 2
Single Arm DB row x 2
Flat bench supinated DB press x 2
Crunches x 2
Squats x 2
SLDL x 2
Are these in order? What is the rep per set? What's your frequency (how many times a week)?
I think doing two bench presses and two rows in the same workout is not necessary. If volume is needed (which normally isn't) then you can up the number of sets. If you still want to do both exercises alternate them A/B style. If exercises are in order do biceps curl after the shoulder press. Always do compounds first then isos (also if necessary).
You should include the major mass makers, squats and deadlifts. The suggestion is that you alternate them a/b style or do Squats twice a week and deadlifts once. You are not doing any exercise for the lats (although major compounds work them) so you can also alternate the BB Row with a Chin-up or pull-up.
you just hella confused me, i thought hst was 3x a week full body low volume....
getaway: think of HST as a set of principles to guide you in your training for hypertrophy. The principles are here and can lead to lots of different ways to set up a cycle depending on conditioning and experience.

I agree with electric. Of course, you can do exactly as you wish but do take a read through the 'Simplify & Win' thread linked in my footer. It may help you to set up a more balanced routine for your cycle.

How much volume have you been used to doing?
I was on my own split which was doing jack for me. Back/Bicep, Chest tri etc.

This is my fifth week of HST, haven't seen major gains at all, increase in strength mostly, but I was under the impression HST focused on hypertrophy mostly (size). I workout Saturday, Monday, Wednesday and that's what I do on all those days. I'm on my fifth week, the 5 rep week. I just read I should be doing 3 sets in the 5 rep stage?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This is my fifth week of HST, haven't seen major gains at all, increase in strength mostly, but I was under the impression HST focused on hypertrophy mostly (size). I workout Saturday, Monday, Wednesday and that's what I do on all those days. I'm on my fifth week, the 5 rep week. I just read I should be doing 3 sets in the 5 rep stage? </div>

HST is focused solely on size, with strength coming as a by-product, but if you aren't eating enough you won't grow. a general rule for a bulking diet is multiply your weight (in pounds) by 18-20. That's how many calories you need, now split them up into macronutrients P/F/C, you want about 15-20%/25-30%/50-55%. now eat my friend!
hah, for sick ecto's. I was on 3000 cal bulk diet training consistently, went up 2% bf in 3 weeks. I'm keeping it low, bare minumum at 2500. Can you elaborate more on the sets please?
well me personally, i keep the total number of reps roughly constant so if i do 1 set of 15 reps for the 15s, i'll do 2x10 for the 10s, and 3x5 for the 5s. This is keeping them roughly the same in terms of volume, while the load constantly increases, causing constant microtrauma. many people who can't handle as many sets during the 5s lower it to 1 or 2 and still get great results, but if u can handle the heavy loads with more sets, do it.

but a big factor is your training history, in your previous training, how many sets did you do per muscle group?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
you just hella confused me, i thought hst was 3x a week full body low volume....

it's lowER so you can train more frequently, as in, it's not the 12 sets per bodypart, 1x week frequency, but it's roughly the same volume as you had before, but spread out to keep the anabolic effects of training always elevated.

so whatever volume you had previously, you can spread that out in 3 sessions a week. an extremely important point is that HST is a set of guiding principles as to how to train for fast muscle growth, it is not a program.

i suggest you read the FAQ, and then read again, i'm up to my 5th time reading it hehe

How many sets and how to determine it;t=4628
getaway, take a look at the rest of the site and follow Lol's link to the simplify and win thread.
When I said a A/B split I don't mean A = back and B = chest, I mean A = bench press and B = dips and A = Bent over Rows, B = Chin-ups. You are working the some body part but with different exercises on different days, maybe a different grip or something. The workouts are supposed to be full body.
As Lol said HST is a set of principals so it doesn't even has to be full body nor 3 times a week, but that is the suggested workout that follows the principals. If you are new to HST and able to use the default workout, I would recommend you do 2 or 3 cycles before you start tweaking it.
Regarding the volume, it is a lower volume routine because you don't need to do 3 sets for each of the 3 different exercises for the same muscle (or whatever). Of course the exact volume depends a lot on your lifting history and resistance to CNS fatigue.
Simon posted a great link to a thread about determining the number of sets but if you are still in doubt his suggestion of 1x15, 2x10, 3x5 is what I am using.
Good luck.
Okay, from what you've told me and what I've read, I've revised it to this, look good?

Bicep Curls x 2
Incline Bench x 3
Bent Over Barbell row x 3
Military Press x3
Standing Tricep Extensions x 2
Crunches x 2
Squats x 3

Day B

Bicep Curls x 2
Shoulder DB press x 3
Standing Tricep Extensions x 2
Single Arm DB row x 3
Flat bench supinated DB press x 3
Crunches x 2
SLDL x 3

I figured I'll keep the ISO arm work to 2 sets because a fear of overtrain, or is it fine this way? My arms are first priority.