HSN:CRE source?


New Member
Hi Bryan.

I purchased both the primer and driver - both taste great. you seem to be a high-quality guys so i'm thinkin of buying the hsn:cre from you as well. The only thing standing in my way is that i want to know about the quality. Will Brink (www.brinkzone.com) repeatedly talks about how german creatine from SWK (i believe, im not sure) is the top stuff (aka creapure). Is your creatine from germany? If not - why? - and am i being overly cautious about all this? haha

Thanks a bunch,

Hi zenreich6005,

No, I do not use a German source. Since Will's article first appeared on ThinkMuscle a few years ago, the prices of the German supplier went sky high.

I opted to go with a different supplier but insisted that the COA met with my criteria, as reflected in Will's article.

I don't think you are being overly cautious. I think everyone should demand quality in the supplements they spend their hard earned money for. People forget I still buy supplements myself (HSN's product line is still pretty limited). I demand that the supplements I buy be high quality and don't expect any less from the people who graciously spend their money on the products I offer.
There are a number of creatine suppliers around the world who will provide a better quality than the creatine of old.

Even the chinese have picked up the quality of their creatine.