HST for Shredding


Hey all, just wanted to post my current cutting diet and workout routine. As always, I am open to criticism as it is a great way to increase my knowledge.


Age: 20 (almost 21)
Height: 5'10.5"
Weight: 195
Bodyfat%: 12-14%
5th HST cycle


I may be cutting calories a little too low, but, I preserve muscle pretty well. I aim for 1750 kcal/day regardless of lifting or not. I am for 150-200g of protein. Low fats, mostly healthy besides what comes from my ground beef patties. The rest is carbs, probably 40% of my kcals. I take 2 protein shakes a day which consists of 1 scoop of whey (30g) 2 tbsp of dextrose (20g) and 1.5 tsp of creatine (5-7g). This equals about 250 calories, twice a day so 500 total. I eat 80% lean ground beef, rice, oats, chicken breasts, canola/olive oil, grape juice (only in mornings), scrambled eggs, tacos (like twice a week, girlfriend makes me), and I drink loads of water.

Workout-- M/W/F

AM: Morning cardio on an empty stomach upon wakening. This is pretty low intensity as to not strip my muscles of the precious amino acids. Last 45 minutes, and I take an ECA before I start. (First protein shake is taken directly after)

Mid-day: Full body workout. Warm up set(s) and 1 real working set at max force production. 5 reps for 2 weeks, then 3 reps, then negs with continued 3s, then back to 5s, rinse and repeat. I know if I start to see a decrease in weight, I need to bump up the kcals. 2nd protein shake taken directly after workout.

Slight incline bench
Weighted Chin Ups
Weighted Dips
Shoulder Press
Leg Press
HG Seated Rows
Hamstring Curls
Preacher Curls
Laying Tricep Ext
Calf Raises (Not on Wednesdays)

Before Bed: Another cardio session like the morning cardio, but not on an empty stomach and no ECA obviously. I eat a source of protein afterwards and hit the bed.


Basically this is my triple cardio day. I have the morning session on an empty stomach, mid-day session usually walking on a treadmill at an incline for 45 minutes, and before bed I do another low intensity jog.

Sundays- This is supposed to be an off day but I may do 1 session of cardio at 1 of the 3 designated times.

Anyone see any flaws, major or minor? I appreciate your feedback, I have received nothing but good advice from this community and I thank you all for it. BTW my goal is to get to 7-8% body fat, in other words, stupid shredded.
Hey dude, I'm new to HST (so my advice might not be helpful to you) but no stranger to lifting.

I know you said you preserve muscle pretty well but how far are you into your cut? 1750 from the beginning seems a little extreme. Just to provide some perspective, I am 150 lbs @ ~5'9 and my maintenance calories on my SD are about 2300 at minimal activity. As in, these are my calories when I go for a run every now and then with average amounts of walking. I haven't measured my BF% but judging by pictures, I am no more than 15%.
So, you're slightly taller, 45 pounds heavier and getting less cals (I outrange you by more than 500 cals/day) whilst doing heavy lifting. This seems less than optimal.

Diet: anything that works for you. Looks pretty clen, so obviously there's nothing wrong with that.
My suggestion if you reach a plateau is to change it up, maybe go high-fat for a while and revert back to high-carb. Personally, I seem to respond better to high-fat during a cut.

WO Plan: HST looks standard.
Cardio, whilst at low intensity, seems a little much. Morning cardio looks good, before bed cardio is questionable, but still not overboard. Rest day TRIPLE cardio on the other hand is definitely way too much.

At 1750 cals and that much cardio, muscle will be burning off at a ridiculous rate.

Overall, I would suggest uping the cals to at least just a -500 deficit and cutting down the cardio to 1/day no matter what.
Anyways, you know your body best. If you really think you need that much cardio at that little cals, then go for it! But you asked for criticism, and these are my opinions :)

FYI all these statements are based off of the assumption that you are just starting your cut. If you are already really deep into your cut, and have been funneling down to 1750 cals, maybe that is what you need to do. In this case, then I can't offer much critique because there are too many variables in play that I am unsure of.
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You are right. I need to up my kcals at least to 2000. Also I need to only do 1 cardio session on lifting days, 2 on non and 1 on Sundays probably. Ive only been on this cut for a week.