Judgement day - End measures
Here are the end measures after my first cycle. I tried to do them in same kind of circumstances as the start measures: Sauna last evening and weighing in the morning before eating or drinking. In [ ] are the changes from the start measures.
Length: 185 cm
Weight: 71,7 kg [+2,7 kg]
Body composition (with Tanita body scale). Measured with “normal mode and “athlete” mode + calculated averages:
Fat%: 13,5/9,1 = 11,3% [+0,2%]
Body water%: 58,4/61,1 = 59,75% [+0,15%]
“Muscle mass” (I think this is in reality Soft Tissue mass): 58,9/61,9 = 60,4 kg [+2,1 kg]
Physique Rating 5/5 (5 means avg fat and muscle)
BMR: 1820/1899 = 1859,5 kcal [+65,5]
Metabolic Age: 14/12 = 13 [+1]
Bone(mineral) mass: 3,1/3,2 = 3,15 kg [+0,1]
Visceral Fat Level: 1/1 = 1 [0]
And last the “strategic measures”, before and after:
-Here is a chance for slight measurement error, as I had to use a different tape measure than in the start measures
Calves R/L: 33/32 cm -> 32,5/32,5 cm
Thighs R/L 53/53 cm -> 54,5/54 cm
Hip: 93 cm -> 94,5 cm
Waist (with empty lungs): 74 cm -> 76 cm
Chest (empty lungs): 99cm -> 98 cm
Shoulders: 109 cm -> 110 cm
Neck: 37 cm -> 37 cm
Arms R/L (loose): 29,5/30cm -> 30/29,5 cm
So, what can I make from these numbers and mirror? For me the notable changes seem to be:
- Weight +2,7kg, from which at least 2,1 kg is soft tissue/muscle mass
- Fat% has increased only by 0,2%
- Butt and legs have gained some size. However so has waist (but see below).
- At least my chest and shoulders (and possibly back... hard to see it

) look better in the mirror!!!
- My abs look bigger and better than ever (finally that 8-pack)
Strength increase is hard to tell, but at least
- For the bench I got 3x5x65 before the cycle and 3x5x70kg during the last week
- In the squats I squatted 3 sets of 5"Rip" style deep squats with 105 kg, which I before only half-squatted
I'm happy with the results. The muscular weight increase compared to fat seems good. Also I seem to be in a "better shape". Strength increase seems okay also. I'd only have wished for bigger arm development (who wouldn't

), but thats probably due to no direct arm work. I guess my arms need that.
Now I am taking 1 week break from the gym and then starting my coaches competitive season Strength specific program for rowing, which has 2 endurance-strength sessions (20-30 reps/set per lift) and 1 "max" strength (5 or less reps/set per lift) - both consisting of "big lifts". However I am definitely coming back to HST after the competitive season (if my coach allows it of course).
However I am planning of doing "beach work" for the arms and shoulders HST style after each workout even in the summer. Alternating by 2 shoulder and 2 arm exercise(1bis+1tris) each session or doing 1shoulder,1bi, and 1 tri each session. What do you think would be better, or would that have any impact at all?
I also have to start "cutting" for the competitions, as I have to be 70 kg in competitions from the end of June until September. Any good tips would be welcome here, as I don't want to lose muscle and rowing performance, only fat.