HST log of a lightweight rower

5's 6th session Fri 29.4.

Squat 3x5x102,5kg
Bench 5*x70kg - 3+2x70kg - 3+2x70kg
Power Clean 3x5x70kg
Press 3x5x40kg
Row 3x5x65kg
Chins 3x5xBW+15kg
Calves 3x5x85kg
Ab crunch 3x5x8kg

Session went okay, but I still didn't feel that I'm at full strength. Didn't quite get the 5th rep up in the bench. Found my limit in Powercleans also, a I barely got the last reps of the sets to rack up.
Last 2 weeks: 1st session mon 2.5.

Squat 3x5x105kg
Bench 5x70kg - 5*x70kg - 3+2x70kg
Deadlift 4+2x135 (ramped up 1 set)
Press 5x42,5kg - 3+2x42,5 - 3+1x42,5
Row 1x5x67,5kg
Chins 1x5xBW+17,5kg

I started work practice this monday. Because of it I had to shorten my training, so I did only 1 set of some lifts and had to cut calves and abs out entirely for this session.

The session was pretty hard even as a little shorter. I found my 3x5RM's in all of the lifts I think.

I "ramped up" the weights in the deadlift trying to get all 5 reps in the last, but didn't succeed, I had to cluster (but could do 1 extra, yay). Left it to 1 set. I think I will the last 2 weeks do it this way, ramping it up with about 10% increases to perform only 1 top set of 5's.

I was still somehow feeling a bit weak...
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Last 2 weeks: 2nd session wed 4.5.

Squat 3x5x105kg
Bench 3+2x70kg - 3+2x70kg - 3+2*x70kg
Power Clean 5x3x70kg
Press 3x5x42,5kg
Row 1x5x67,5kg
Chins 3x5xBW+17,5kg
Calves 3x5x90kg
Ab crunch 3x5x8kg

I'm having some time issues because of work, so I try to be faster. I did some warmup sets with the next lift while resting... Also did only 1 set of Rows. I planned to do 1 set of chins too, but I did all 3 sets supersetting them with abs and partly calves.

Also changed Power Cleans to 5 sets of 3 reps. I try to increase weight in them the next time to 72,5kg.

The squats were okay but I felt I lacked power in the arms with bench and with Powercleans (okay PC's don't really use arms, but still I felt that I didn't have control with the bar)...

Also hurt my chest a little, possibly with powecleans, as I could not rack few reps properly and the bar hit my chest.

I don't know what's going on, but I still felt I wasn't as "explosive" as I was before the sickness few weeks back.
I kept a longer break after the set and changed the music of the gym to heavy metal to help focusing... and was able to pull off the last set without clustering.
One of the things I like about my new gym is that I can get the staff to turn the music completely off. The last thing I need when I am focusing on squats or deads is a lot of unnecessary background noise.

Of course, another thing I like is that not everyone agrees...
One of the things I like about my new gym is that I can get the staff to turn the music completely off. The last thing I need when I am focusing on squats or deads is a lot of unnecessary background noise.

Of course, another thing I like is that not everyone agrees...

:D Well, I myself am too polite to turn off or change the music if there are others in the gym even though it is possible...
Last 2 weeks: 3rd session fri 6.5.

+warmup core work with fitball
Squat 3x5x105kg
Bench 4+1x70kg - 3+2*x70kg - 3+2x70kg
Deadlift 5*+2x135 (ramped up 1 set)
Press 3x5x42,5kg
Row 3x5x67,5kg
Chins 3x5xBW+17,5kg
Calves 3x5x95kg
Abs 3x5x8kg
+"ab roller" with barbell 1x12

Almost got 5 deads up. It was a fight, but I lost... this time.
Last 2 weeks: 4th session Mon 9.5.

+Fitball core
Squat 3x5x105kg
Bench 3x5x70kg!!!
Power Clean 5x3x72,5kg
Press 3x5x42,5kg
Row 3x5x67,5kg
Chins 3x5xBW+17,5kg
Calves 3x5x100kg
Ab crunch 3x5x8kg

Yeah! Finally I got the bench all 3 sets full 5reps!
Last 2 weeks: 5th session Wed 11.5.

+fitball core
Squat 3x5x105kg + 1x12x70kg
Bench 4+1x70kg - 3+2x70kg - 3+2x70kg + Dips 1x10 with BW
Deadlift 1x5x135kg!!! (ramped up set)
Press 2x5x42,5kg - 4x42,5
Row 3x5x67,5kg
Chins 3x5xBW+17,5kg + Wide grip pull ups 1x10 with BW
Calves (negatives with 1 leg) 3x5x60kg
Ab crunch 3x5x8kg
+ab roller 10

It seems that 1 day is not enough recovery for the bench, as monday I completed all sets (for the 1st time), but not anymore today.

I finally managed to get 135kg up for all 5 reps in the deadlift! The last rep was a tough battle, but I won!

Also tried doing some "metabolic sets" after reading from them in the forums.
Last session of the cycle Fri 13.5

Squat 3x5x105kg
Bench 73kgx1+5negatives - 73kgx1+4negs - 73kgx1+5negs
Power Clean 3x3x73,5kg
Press 1x5x42,5kg
Row 1x5x67,5kg
Chins 1x7xBW+17,5kg
Ab crunch 2x5x8kg - 1x10x8kg (was the weight less in reality?)

I was a little in a hurry today, so I did only 1 work set after the core 3. Also only 3 sets of 3 with the power clean. For the next cycle I have to remember to try with 1-2 lifts less per session to get it done fater.
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Judgement day - End measures

Here are the end measures after my first cycle. I tried to do them in same kind of circumstances as the start measures: Sauna last evening and weighing in the morning before eating or drinking. In [ ] are the changes from the start measures.

Length: 185 cm
Weight: 71,7 kg [+2,7 kg]

Body composition (with Tanita body scale). Measured with “normal mode and “athlete” mode + calculated averages:
Fat%: 13,5/9,1 = 11,3% [+0,2%]
Body water%: 58,4/61,1 = 59,75% [+0,15%]
“Muscle mass” (I think this is in reality Soft Tissue mass): 58,9/61,9 = 60,4 kg [+2,1 kg]
Physique Rating 5/5 (5 means avg fat and muscle)
BMR: 1820/1899 = 1859,5 kcal [+65,5]
Metabolic Age: 14/12 = 13 [+1]
Bone(mineral) mass: 3,1/3,2 = 3,15 kg [+0,1]
Visceral Fat Level: 1/1 = 1 [0]

And last the “strategic measures”, before and after:
-Here is a chance for slight measurement error, as I had to use a different tape measure than in the start measures
Calves R/L: 33/32 cm -> 32,5/32,5 cm
Thighs R/L 53/53 cm -> 54,5/54 cm
Hip: 93 cm -> 94,5 cm
Waist (with empty lungs): 74 cm -> 76 cm
Chest (empty lungs): 99cm -> 98 cm
Shoulders: 109 cm -> 110 cm
Neck: 37 cm -> 37 cm
Arms R/L (loose): 29,5/30cm -> 30/29,5 cm

So, what can I make from these numbers and mirror? For me the notable changes seem to be:
- Weight +2,7kg, from which at least 2,1 kg is soft tissue/muscle mass
- Fat% has increased only by 0,2%
- Butt and legs have gained some size. However so has waist (but see below).
- At least my chest and shoulders (and possibly back... hard to see it ;)) look better in the mirror!!!
- My abs look bigger and better than ever (finally that 8-pack) :cool:

Strength increase is hard to tell, but at least
- For the bench I got 3x5x65 before the cycle and 3x5x70kg during the last week
- In the squats I squatted 3 sets of 5"Rip" style deep squats with 105 kg, which I before only half-squatted

I'm happy with the results. The muscular weight increase compared to fat seems good. Also I seem to be in a "better shape". Strength increase seems okay also. I'd only have wished for bigger arm development (who wouldn't :p), but thats probably due to no direct arm work. I guess my arms need that.

Now I am taking 1 week break from the gym and then starting my coaches competitive season Strength specific program for rowing, which has 2 endurance-strength sessions (20-30 reps/set per lift) and 1 "max" strength (5 or less reps/set per lift) - both consisting of "big lifts". However I am definitely coming back to HST after the competitive season (if my coach allows it of course).

However I am planning of doing "beach work" for the arms and shoulders HST style after each workout even in the summer. Alternating by 2 shoulder and 2 arm exercise(1bis+1tris) each session or doing 1shoulder,1bi, and 1 tri each session. What do you think would be better, or would that have any impact at all?

I also have to start "cutting" for the competitions, as I have to be 70 kg in competitions from the end of June until September. Any good tips would be welcome here, as I don't want to lose muscle and rowing performance, only fat.