Hst Now With Dup (tm)


In my online travels reading about training I have come across all of the periodization styles and accompanying studies.Of greatest interest has been the studies comparing styles (linear, block, DUP, Undulating, reverse). DUP seemed to be an upper performer in most of the ones that I read. The idea of changing what you are doing daily also seemed more interesting to me, I'm in need of a change.
So I thought it would be fairly easy to incorporate DUP into HST (which is really a type of block periodization, no?). Many of these studies will find an increase in LBM with a decrease in fat mass. All that was needed was to write up a regular HST program and just change the workout order so that you start off in the first 15's workout, then do the first 10's, then first 5's, the first negatives and then start back at the second 15's workout and so on.
I'm about 2/3's of the way through and it has been working out well. My lifts have gotten easier and my shirts have gotten tighter.

1. Since there's no 5's and negatives phase, there are no back to back joint taxing workouts.
2. It's definitely more interesting.
I wouldn't think that this would be as effective. The whole point of HST is to decondition the muscles to weight and then gradually build up to your max weight over time. You muscles adapt in the process.

So going from light weights to heavy weight back to lighter weights back to heavy weights I doubt is as effective because the muscle adapts to the heavy weight making the lighter weight not effective without an SD
My experience, especially with lagging body parts, differs from what Charr has stated. Some studies have shown DUP to be more effective as well. However, I am a firm believer in continuing to do whatever is giving you satisfactory gains. What is best for one, may not be what is best for some one else.

Charr's last point certainly has some theoretical validity but, for me, DUP benefits seem to outweigh that. Why? I dunno!
I wouldn't think that this would be as effective. The whole point of HST is to decondition the muscles to weight and then gradually build up to your max weight over time. You muscles adapt in the process.

So going from light weights to heavy weight back to lighter weights back to heavy weights I doubt is as effective because the muscle adapts to the heavy weight making the lighter weight not effective without an SD

1. If that were true then zig zagging would be an issue and yet zig zagging doesn't effect gains.

2. Numerous DUP studies show it to be a top performer in both hypertrophy and strength gains.

It would be an incredibly bizarre biological mechanism that kept a log of the exact force load of the muscle that was performed previously and that the muscle hypertrophy signalling cascades are only triggered if the next load is at least 3-5% more.

All periodization methods (there are many) show improvements in size and strength, HST is simply a type of block periodization.
Give DUP a try, it's backed by science and it's so much more interesting.

I even slip in an extra workout that tests 1 rep maxes once in a while for a powerlifting rep range, so to speak.