hst question but new member

trent reznor

New Member
Hello, I'm a new member at this forum. I only heard about hst recently and I'm interested by the scientific explanation about the system.

For the moment I'm very lean: bodyfat: 5 %, weight: 85 kg, height: 1.79 m. The last 6 months I made very good quality muscle gains. I want to give HST a try because my actual workout schedule has became boring. In fact it hasn't changed the last 6 months, because I have the impression I still make progress (like they say: never change a winning team)
I train each bodypart twice a week, 6 days a week, long workout sessions (about 2,5 hrs each)

Like I said I want to give it a try but I'm a bit afraid of losing my current condition. Is HST good for me at my current condition? I defenitely don't want to lose my current gains. Can I maybe even make progress with the system.
If you are 85 kg at 1.79 meters tall and only 5% bodyfat with only working out 6 months, you must have one hell of a natural physique! Why bother working out?

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Old and Grey @ May 27 2005,1:00)]If you are 85 kg at 1.79 meters tall and only 5% bodyfat with only working out 6 months, you must have one hell of a natural physique! Why bother working out?
Hey bro,

that's a misunderstanding. Ik workout for 6 months the described program. I'm 33 and I train about 16 years!
OK. That explains it.

I don't know if HST will help you grow anymore or not. Working out 15 hours per week has accustomed your muscles to a tremendous overload. I think you should probably take close to a month of strategic deconditioning (assuming you do not use steroids) before trying HST or the best you would probably see is a maintenance of what you have already acheived.

Actually, with your results, you should probably be giving US advice.
Actually O.G., I'd like to see how he responds to HST. He could just do more volume than we normally do. He may also be, (I hope), including cardio in his 2.5 hour workouts.
A two week SD then jump into the second week of 15's and progress from there might be the way to go. Just a thought.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dood @ May 27 2005,7:37)]Actually O.G., I'd like to see how he responds to HST. He could just do more volume than we normally do. He may also be, (I hope), including cardio in his 2.5 hour workouts.
A two week SD then jump into the second week of 15's and progress from there might be the way to go. Just a thought.
Well Dood, I will try it.
I've had a vacation for 5 days. I start using the system at wednesday so at three days from now.

Sorry, but I didn't include the cardio. Actually I perform 1 hr of cardio every other day (stationary bike on a empty stomach).
To be honest, not every workout lasts 2.5 hrs. My leg training is shorter (about 1 hr). The other workouts: chest - back (superset style): 2.5 hrs, shoulders - arms: 2 hrs.
I perform 22 sets (4 sets for one exercise) for chest, 16 sets for back, 20 sets for shoulders, 16 sets for biceps, 16 for triceps, 20 sets for legs.
I know you all have the shivers right now about this regime, but actually that's the way I learned bodybuilding. The last 10 years, I did 5 national level contests on this volume training.

But, I'm very open minded and I will try your system because the scientific explanation means sense to me. To be honest, I have some regards, I'm afraid of losing my current condition, but I also have to make some more mass, because there is a contest I will compete in spring 2006. I will keep you informed.

In your case, you probably won't see significant results until you hit 5s. Part of the reason is that, like O&G suspects, 8 days won't be enough to decon. Second, your true strength may be significantly higher than your current 15/10/5 levels. I consider this the most significant part, because usually most volume trainees, after taking a layoff and adjusting to a stength-oriented program, can see 15-20% strength gains across the board. And *that* would be enough to get the loads past your current state of conditioning. Third, With Teeth is a major disappointment and I'm mad at you for making me wait 6 years for this so-so effort. ;)

But I'd like to see how it plays out for you. Depending on feasibility, you may want to start with 3 sets per exercise and work up per phase.
