I need to be hungrier!!


New Member
I weigh 140 and really want to bulk, but my appetite is sooo small. I eat just a little bit and I'm full so I was wondering if there's something that will make me be hungry a lot more even after eating.

That's my only problem -- small appetite!

I'm the same my friend - I get full very quickly, however I also get hungry again very quickly! Which means I just eat between 6-8 meals a day (depending on whether I'm training or not).

The easiest way to add calories is to use shake, I don't but a MRP as I prefer to buy whey and maltodextrin separately, I then have one of these shakes in the morning, aprtly because I can't stomach much food in the morning and partly because I want to get nutrients to my poor starved muscles as quickly as possible! I then have a solid meal 60-90mins later and eat approx every 3 hours thereafter, complex carbs, fruit and veg and lean proteins.

On training days I have a shake pre and post workout, another meal an hour alter and another 2 hours after that.

My shakes are 60:30 (carbs/protein) and my meals are arond that too.

So I guess I haven't answered your question at all but just showing you my way round a similar problem.
robefc is right about the liquid meals, try devising shakes with everything you can think of: protein powder, fruits, yogurt, honey, plain sugar, olive oil, ground flax seeds, milk, eggs... basically anything that can be liquified or dissolved.

Eat more calorie dense foods like all kinds of nuts. Chocolate and heavy cream and lots of saturated fat are not so bad if you are desperate about bulking (providing you won't make a habit out of it). Try to have at home a variety of foods; eating the same stuff day-in day-out isn't exactly appetite -boosting.

Eat quickly before your satiety centers know that you are full.
Basically if you are having trouble eating enough, get rid of a large proportion of supposedly clean foods. Go for high GI carbs, high energy density, higher fat protein sources, good fat sources added in (peanut butter is excellent), and eat often. Try liquid meals, with added fat, chocolate MRP with peanut butter tastes good mmmm, i hate dieting.
While I wont advocate unlimited saturates, a raised amount will make it easier to eat more calories.
Oh yea, pizza tastes good, and has bulk calories, protein carbs and fats. beer is a good addition to it, honest.
ive been dieting now for 3 weeks. Aaron's post made me salivate!!! The idea of a stuff crust hawiian is overwhelmingly appealing.
Maybe its time for a refeed........is pizza ok?

i think saturday will be a whole hearted refeed day for sure.

Actually, is pizza ok? I know that you are supposed to refeed with ~10g carbs/kg BW for 24hrs with practically no fat. But does it reallly make a difference? Im sure that one high fat pizza is not going to interfere with the diet goals....is it?
Pizza is great, but limit it to one meal. :D
I had pizza and beer on fridaynight, and I am dieting (oh I hate that, but im too fat) and have still gone down 1lb for the week. (my average)
With carb based refeeds you can probably get up to around 15-16g/kg lbm for 24hrs, which is a heap and depending on how lean you are, greater than 10g/kg bw.
Two things that increase my appetite:

1. HST. I can definitely feel my appetite go into high gear whenever I start a cycle.

2. Carb-heavy breakfast. If I have a lot of carbs in my breakfast, I will have a stronger appetite the rest of the day. If I have a light protein-only breakfast, my appetite tends to stay suppressed until I finally get a carb hit.
I agree with all others stating that one with a small appetite should focus on the calorie dense foods such as ice cream, cheese omelettes, lasagna, pizza, and cheeseburgers. Remember what Dan Duchaine wrote in his Underground Steroid Handbooks: "the bottom line is that you must be eating everything in sight. You have heard of weightlifters eating a dozen eggs in the morning and another dozen at night. DO IT! That is 2,000 calories with another 6,000 to go." "Do not feel bad that you went to McDonald's for a hamburger. Feel bad that you didn't have two or three!" Now, obviously only people supporting a huge amout of muscle mass or with extremely good metabolisms can and should eat like this. But you get the picture. There was a good article on T-Mag called the Skinny Bastard diet which you should refer to. If memory serves me correctly, it was written by Cy Wilson and focuses largely on simply carbohydrates and foods that make you feel full. I think it even includes sugary candies. Will Brink has a recipe for a nice calorie dense meal replacement concoction. It goes something like this: 2 to 3 scoops of protein powder, 2 to 3 tablespoons of flaxseed oil, ice cream, a banana, whole milk, and some water.
I have exactly your same problem and moreover I'm about your same weight (143).
There are 2 fundamental things to me that help me eat for bulking:
1)have meals small enough,i.e find a food amount that doesnt leave you completely full.Of course this means that you MUST
eat really often to meet your caloric goal.
2)Very important is NOT to add too much protein in a single meal.Dont eat more than 1g/lb in a single day (the only exception is whey so if you want u can add whey over that amount).
Protein definately are the part of meals that make you fuller so you have to find the right amount of them that doesnt fill u up for more than 2-3 hours.

In the end u will find that you will soon be able to eat a lot more as u get used to higher food quantity,gut like muscles need to be trained so you must start adding food quite slowly.
If you are not accustom to eating a lot of food, it's difficult in the beginning. The body WILL however get used to it. It just takes time. If you regularly eat 1500 calories per day, just add 500 per day for a week or two. Then when that is getting easy to eat, add another 500 per day. Keep doing this until you are eating your target amount of calories.

The body will get used to it, but it takes a little time.
I can attest for the B12. I found that 2000mcg twice a week worked wonders for my appetite. I counldnt seem to get enuf, after I ate to the point of 'fullness' not an hour would go by before I started to think about my next feeding.
I did start with 1000mcg twice a week and worked up from there. The only prob is sticking yourself with a 'slin pin, my delt was tender until I got the feel of it.
Peace, Sphinx.