I think I get it?


New Member
I have been reading everything available, but I have had a hard time putting it all together into a workout. I think I get it, but in developing a workout I wanted to make sure. So, let me give an example of what I'm planning for chest and see if this follows the principles well enough for a first cycle.

My 1RM is 100 lbs
All workouts 3 days per week on M/W/F

Week One: WU then 1x15 at 50 lbs
Week Two: WU then 1x15 at 60 lbs
Week Three: WU then 2x10 at 70 lbs
Week Four: WU then 2x10 at 80 lbs
Week Five: WU then 3x5 at 90 lbs
Week Six: WU then 3x5 at 100 lbs

After week six, I'm still confused but I can figure that part out later. I'm going to be testing my 1RM for all the exercises I am doing on Saturday, then I'm not sure if I should wait a week (seems to be suggested) or start on Monday. I have been doing a four day split for about 3 months with no prolonged (more than 3 day) rest period.

Thanks in advice for the tips. I know this is general, I just want to make sure I have the idea down then I'll get to work so I can "get it."
Oops, I did more reading and I can see I didn't get it. Ignore the above post...I will decide on my exercises and test my max reps for 15/10/5 and report back with my first cycle plan.
The idea is more or less that. I was going to say exactly that: test your 15, 10 and 5RMs and use them. If you can try to increase the weight during the week instead of using the same weight for all 3 workouts. Use 2.5lbs plates or smaller if necessary. If you can't, no problem, but if you can it is prefered.
After week 6 you can either try to extend your 5s by going above your 5RM (you should have gained some strength during your cycle) or you can add triples or negatives for an additional week or two. Just take it easy since these can be very demanding on the joints.
When you are done, SD again and start all over increasing the loads used.