IGF-1 vs growth factor 1

Justin Pederson

New Member
my freind sent me this site on growth factor-1 is this the same stuff as IGF-1 or is it some kind of trick to sell a product to make it sound like its the actual IGF-1...or is it an entirely different compound it self. whats the difference and does growth factor 1 work. Also, can you actually get IGF-1 and would it be sub-cutaneus or oral.
It doesn't have anything to do with real IGF-1. It is octacosanol. Octacosanol is a sugar alcohol made from sugar cane wax. Its also present in wheat germ oil. It interfears with cholesterol synthesis which might be good if you have a problem with cholesterol, but it will do nothing for muscle growth. In fact, it might actually hamper it slightly if it interferes with the muscle's ability to produce cholesterol for cellular repair.

There is no medical research to back up their claims. Using wheat germ oil as a "tonic" is as old as the hills but it has no effect whatsoever on muscle growth.

Furhtermore, a thorough analysis of studies has not supported the claim that wheat germ oil is an effective performance aid. This evidence was used successfully by the Federal Trade Commission to ban advertising claims that wheat germ could improve endurance, strength, and vigor. So this company simply changed the name they were calling it and said it will grow muscles.

They should be ashamed for making false claims and deceptive advertising.