im not gianing weight..


New Member
Hey people,

Please help, i have been working out for about 3 months now.. and i go gym 5 days a week. My workout plan is Day 1: Chest, Day 2: Arms, Day 3: Chest, Day 4: Arms, and day 5: Back. I also rotate the machines and exercises i do every 2-3 weeks. I have been on around 65-67kg since the beggining of my work out and still am 70kg. I can see the strength improvements and the some muscular gains and i have become more cut. Although, my muscles are soft even when flexed.

I do not know if this is normal or not. I dont do cardio very much, if i do its about 20 minutes of walking/jogging a day, but usually i get to lazy for it, i do not hav much body fat and can see my muscles everywere but still i do not gain weight and my muscles are soft.

Please tell me how i can increase my muscle hardness and my weight quicker. what am i doing wrong?
Well you came to this website for a certain reason. HST is the way to go when it comes to your weight training. You have gained 5-10 lbs in a 3 month span doing a partial 2x/week HIT method. That's pretty good either way you look at it. However, if you want to prevent the plateaus that you are inevitably approaching you need to look at two things: diet and training

If you want to put on mass, you just need to eat more. It sounds simple, but you may feel you're eating enough and you aren't. I suggest keeping a tab of how many calories you take in every day whether it is a rough estimate or down to the T.

If you're doing that, and the gains are minimal, then the next thing you need to assess is your training. I suggest do a simple 3x/week HST cycle using the big lifts:

Bench Press
Military Press

If you do this, eat, and focus your protein intake around your workout, you will have great gains.

Lastly, check out the FAQ's forum for all the information you need to know.
With regards to weight gain, your routine is irrelevant. Obviously your problem is caused by one thing. The solution to which is easy:


How do you expect to gain weight if you don't eat? No routine, no matter how magical, will make you gain weight if you don't eat enough. It isn't possible. It violates the laws of physics and biology. It won't happen.

Simple Rule:

If you are not gaining weight, EAT MORE.
If you are losing weight, EAT MORE.
If you are gaining TOO MUCH weight, EAT LESS.

INCREASE the amount you eat as you gain weight, since your metabolism will go up as you gain weight.
(Aaron_F @ May 28 2006,05:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Eat.






I don't know if that was tongue in cheek, but I meant physics in that matter cannot come from nothing, i.e. muscle mass grown without food to make it from, etc.
I haven't read all the posts.

But if you are not gaining weight...its simple eat eat eat eat.....and then eat some more....the scales must move.