Implementing a "Long Term Plan" for Body Recomp.


New Member
After some debate, with myself, and some interesting conversations with others, I have since come up with a plan to rid myself of unwanted body fat without compromising LBM. I'm writing to get suggestions and hope most of you will constructively criticizes these initial thoughts.

A couple thoughts:
I have lost faith in the Cutting/Bulking phenomenon many of the people I speak with preach. You bulk up, mean while accumulating X amounts of BF, just to cut down and lose X amount of LBM. Its seems counter productive to me. On top of that, there seems to be some health risks involved with the constantly changing environment with in the body due to the constantly goals of an individual (goals being to bulk or cut). What I am proposing, instead, is an even exchange between fat and LBM, a body recomp, over a long period of time (months, years, a life time). Of course this process with be slow to come. There will be no immediate gradifications. However, it will all pay off in the end. Hard work and determination is the key. Two issues, out of many, I plan on tackling. These are my thoughts:

It is my belief that an individual can and should rely not on a calorie deficient diet to drop BF, but instead a strict cardio regime. This will allow the individual to keep calories at maintenance or above maintenance while still lowering BF. If one choses to take in more calories than is required for maintenance, then the excess intake of nutrients should help that individual maintain their current LBM and even increase it -- if proper training is in order. In other words, a body recomp might be possible under these circumstances.

By running in the morning on an empty stomach, or one filled with high protien/low carb substances, an individual should be able to drop significant amounts of body fat without compromising LBM. This has been stated before. Yes? Whether it is true or not, I don't know, but I do know from personal experience that there is some truth to this notion. Is seems that while keeping calories intake high, I can drop BF without losing much weight. I have tried this both "ON" and "OFF" AAS. In both instances, it seems to work. Of course while "ON," the effects are much greater, but this should be obvious.

It has also been said that the body takes 20 minutes to really tap into glycogen stores, especially after one has eaten. By only eating protein before a cardio session, one should still have no problem taping into these stores. It has been said before, that pre-cardio protein consumption might actually benefit fat lose -- please, correct me if I'm wrong. These pre-cardio protein intake should help in the efforts to maintain muscle mass during the morning cardio.

Now, while all this is in place we must still address the issue of diet. The diet I have in mind involves high protein, high carbohydrate, and low fat consumption. The exact macro break down is still unknown, but a 40/40/20 (p/c/f) is in mind. Remember, this is not an effort to cut, a body recomp is my goal, so carbs are going to be my friend. If I where cutting, like I have attempted so many times int he past, I would be slowly weed out the carbs. However, this time around I am going to use them, as well as the proteins, in an effort to increase LBM.

My Plan:
I honestly feel that with the proper diet, training, and cardio routine my proposal is not too far fetched. I believe it can be done. Here is my plan:
- 40mins of morning cardio 4x to 5x a week: Jogging, Tread Mill, Stair Stepper, Stationary Bike, Jump Rope.
- Protein shake before cardio: 2 scoops 100% WHEY Protein (46g) with water.
- Diet: 40/40/20 (p/c/f) macro break down. Chicken, Turkey, Tuna, Salmon, Veggies (asparagus, broccoli, ect), No BEEF, Whole Wheats (breads and pastas), Brown rice, Raw Oats, and Supplemental Protein.
- Training: HST (Hyportrophy Specific Training) Full Body 3x a week (M-W-F).
- Full days REST every Sunday. In efforts to keep CNS from burning out.

If their is any aspect of my plan or thinking that you see mistakes in, please point them out. I'm am open to any suggestions. The more discussion the better. I'm in this for the long haul. I want to do it right.

If my thoughts seem a bit scattered I apologize. I'll try t clear things up as we go along.
TBH i think it might have a pretty decent chance of working...sure it's been suggested before. aining muscle whilst losing's possible...slow but possilble. I just don't like the slow part. I wish it worked great...i would love to do this. I've tried doing this many times in the past and it is just too slow. I feel you're better off cutting and bulking. It's faster and contrary to what you said, you will gain decent LBM. I just think bulking and cutting is a better, faster, more efficient way of doing things. These are all just my views. good luck with this tho...tell me how it works out.
MrN, have you looked into the UD2 diet by Lyle Mcdonald? I hear it is good for people who have less that 15% BF to get you down to the elusive under 9%. Read Here for Viper's account as he travels that path. Quit nice of Viper to keep his log available for all to see.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ Aug. 15 2004,1:04)]MrN, have you looked into the UD2 diet by Lyle Mcdonald? I hear it is good for people who have less that 15% BF to get you down to the elusive under 9%. Read Here for Viper's account as he travels that path. Quit nice of Viper to keep his log available for all to see.
That diet looks good and all, but it defeats the prupose when body recompositioning. My goal is not to lower calories, but instead to raise them - well above maintenance. I will do this in an effort to gain LBM, while maintaining a strict cardio routine to drop the BF. It will be a very slow process, but I think the benifits and end results will out weigh the the length of time it's going to take.

So far, I am adding weight and BF is dropping - its only been 2 weeks, going on 3. I'll post some further results in a couple weeks.

Thank you for the info. I'll keep vipers log in mind.
I've been thinkin about this Mr.nasty and your idea here is very similar to the way i bulk. I still create a 500cals surplus in my diet but i also do cardio during my non lifting days. I do 30 mins of HIIT. This helps me maintain CV fitness, reduce fat gains and it helps muscle growth too! Although not all the fat put on by bulking will be canceled out but it reduces it without effecting bulking at all as there is still 500cals surplus. So i'm hoping as my body creates fat by the surplus, i burn already existing bodyfat with HIIT and this will moderate fat gains or lessen to a good extent. How much cardio will you be doing to have zero fat gains? and how much caloric surplus are you consuming/day?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (naz @ Aug. 16 2004,3:11)]I've been thinkin about this Mr.nasty and your idea here is very similar to the way i bulk. I still create a 500cals surplus in my diet but i also do cardio during my non lifting days. I do 30 mins of HIIT. This helps me maintain CV fitness, reduce fat gains and it helps muscle growth too! Although not all the fat put on by bulking will be canceled out but it reduces it without effecting bulking at all as there is still 500cals surplus. So i'm hoping as my body creates fat by the surplus, i burn already existing bodyfat with HIIT and this will moderate fat gains or lessen to a good extent. How much cardio will you be doing to have zero fat gains? and how much caloric surplus are you consuming/day?
Although this notion of recomposition is new to me, I believe it has its benifits and will work. Its a slow process. I actually have to work a little hard then most people might. I can gain weight faster than anyone I know. Unfortunaitly, that weight is usually BF. So for me, to be able to up cals and gain LBM, I have to be doing a lot of cardio. I'm currently doing 3 to 5 days of cardio, in the mornings, a week. If I'm training on a particular day I'll go ahead and do the cardio but wait to train later that night.

A usuall session of cardio usually consist of a 20 to 25min moderate jog couple with a moderatly paced up hill walk. I then hit the stair stepper for 10min and end the session with a stationary bike - usually running that for 5min or so. I do abs 3 days a week, so whatever day it falls on, after cardio I'll hit the crunches and leg lifts for 5-10min too.

As for caloric intake, I dont count my cals. The only cals I do count are the ones in my protien shakes. Each one is usually around 800cals and I have 2-3 a day, plus one with water right before bed that's 300cals - so that's between 1900cals and 2700cals ED right there. My maintenance is around 3000cals. I guess you could say its a lot of guess work for me, but its working. So I figue if its not broke, dont fix it. I find that listening to my body works better. If Im hungry, I eat. You know? It's not to dificult.

I thinkt whats most important here is that I exceed my maintenance level and get in the cardio. Exceeding maintenance with no cardio will just fatten me up. So as long as I'm getting in that CV exercises, I'm good.

Oh, and can you explain HIIT. High intensity something Training isnt it? I dont know much about it, sorry. Elaborate a bit. Thanks......
HIIT- high intensity interval training.

It is the best form of anaerobic+aerobic exercise bar non.
I say anaerobic as HIIT is so intense, it can get anaerobic at times. Look at my thread which no one has yet to reply to. HIIT is very beneficial whether you're bulking or cutting.[for those who do that] and can be benefitial to you too. You are basically bulking with alot of cardio of course. People think that cardio should only be done during cutting, this is a false conception that i myself have been guilty of. Cardio should be done all the time!

my post=;t=1580

HIIT is the only thing someone should do IMO. I have totally disregarded normal endurance cardio.