increased adynalate cyclase (sp)? bad for enduranc


New Member
read B haycocks article on clen, forskolin,etc being bad for aerobic capacity, whcih fatburners wont mess with my aerobic endurance? currently using caffeine & l-tyrosine
Did you read the articles yourself or are you just repeating on someone elses comments? I think someone has been commenting on them without understanding them and gave you the wrong impression of what they actually said.

Long term ephedrine or Clen use will inhibit Type-I MHC expression. It will also inhibit the desired increase in Glut -4 expression, and can negatively effect heart function. Like I said, there are the chronic effects. Taking a stimulant only immediately before an even is a different animal.

Here are some references explaining this chronic effect:

1: Kearns CF, McKeever KH.
Clenbuterol diminishes aerobic performance in horses.
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2002 Dec;34(12):1976-85.

2: Ingalls CP, Barnes WS, Smith SB.
Interaction between clenbuterol and run training: effects on exercise performance and MLC isoform content.
J Appl Physiol. 1996 Mar;80(3):795-801.

3. Duncan , N. D., D. A. Williams , and G. S. Lynch . Deleterious effects of chronic clenbuterol treatment on endurance and sprint exercise performance in rats. Clin. Sci. 98: 339-347, 2000.

4: Torgan CE, Etgen GJ Jr, Brozinick JT Jr, Wilcox RE, Ivy JL.
Interaction of aerobic exercise training and clenbuterol: effects on insulin-resistant muscle.
J Appl Physiol. 1993 Oct;75(4):1471-6.

5: Kuo CH, Ding Z, Ivy JL.
Interaction of exercise training and clenbuterol on GLUT-4 protein in muscle of obese Zucker rats.
Am J Physiol. 1996 Nov;271(5 Pt 1):E847-54.

6: Sleeper MM, Kearns CF, McKeever KH.
Chronic clenbuterol administration negatively alters cardiac function. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2002 Apr;34(4):643-50.

7: Yaspelkis BB 3rd, Castle AL, Ding Z, Ivy JL.
Attenuating the decline in ATP arrests the exercise training-induced increases
in muscle GLUT4 protein and citrate synthase activity.
Acta Physiol Scand. 1999 Jan;165(1):71-9.
I read the article myself & am questioning your following statement...

Anything that is going to enhance adenylate cyclase activity such as clenbuterol, ephedrine, or even forskolin, is going to prevent these adaptive processes in response to exercise training. Fortunately, metabolic adaptations are not the key to muscle growth. Nevertheless, increases in oxidative capacity and increased GLUT 4 content are valuable adaptations when trying to train and recover at ever increasing levels "B.haycock"

"enhance adenylate cyclase" I interprated as increasing it, so im just asking what compounds do not increase anenylate cyclase or not inhibit the desired increase in glut -4 expression. I do agree w/ clens negative effects on aerobic performance. Just having a educational discusion, much respect to you, not many people in the BB community relay this info towards endurance athletes.