intense_fuel's training log


New Member
after months of plans and plateaus, i have decided to give hst a shot. took a week off last week. familiar with my RM from previous workouts and such.

how does my split look?

workout a:
db bench press (shoulder impingement prevents bb benching)
chin up
bent over row
db shoulder press
bb curl

workout b:
pull up
leg curl (want to strengthen hammy's, but SLDL and DL would be overkill on same day)
bb shoulder press
tricep extension

Starting tomorrow! The week off was tough but did some cardio and played sports, body needed the break.

Deadlifts once a week, W. Squats on M and F.

I like the BB/DB mix for shoulders. chip ups (supinated) pull ups (pronated). just hits different muscles. not even sure i can do 15 correct pull ups! will be a test...

cheers just wanted to see if there is anything i could tweak? tried to keep it simple, but gotta have a few iso exercises in there : )
Welcome intense_fuel. The routine looks nice. Although there is no problem with your current setup I would drop chin-ups from workout A (you are already working the back with rows). If you want to do both pull-ups and chin-ups, on workout b you do half of your pull-up sets by doing pull-ups and the other half by doing chin-ups. So if you are doing 2x15 you do 1x15 pull-ups and 1x15 chin-ups. If you use different loads for them it is probably better to calculate progression for both lifts.
What kind of volume are you aiming at? What are your goals? What's your diet plan?
I eat clean - have done the whole counting calories thing before, but have been eating clean for so long it just comes naturally now. Eat often, smaller portions.

That is a good idea - I had chins with rows because chins are easier for me compared to pull ups. Perhaps I'll make it even simpler, like you said. often my problem has been overtraining (5 sets, too many exercises). just love working out, which is both good and bad!

as for volume, i have all exercises 2x15. ill make adjustments if necessary. 2x10 and 3x5 for the next steps, but again, ill make changes if i notice anything (fatiguing early, too much energy etc).

going to the gym in a few hours to kick this thing off.

- havent done more than 10 squats (usually squat heavy) in a single set in a looong time. muscles will be pissed off :)
ALSO, simplified my split a bit

db bench press
bb row
bb shoulder press
bb curl

pull up (can do 14, tinkered with assisted but will just keep plugging away - wont fit formula perfectly but hopefully by the end it will)
leg curl
db shoulder press
tricep extension