Is diet soda bad for you?

See this graphic that lists some of the effects (soda in general)

Also recently they established a strong link between soda and cancer of the pancreas, just 2 cans (12oz/325ml) more than double your chances of developing this cancer to 86%!! This study was done with normal sodas though, they are guessing it's the sugar causing an insulin spike, though this is still to be proven. The phosphorous in them will also tend to pull the calcium out of your bones leading them to become brittle over time, so make sure you've got your spotters in place when you bench that 500kg!! ha! ha!
Is diet soda bad for your health? I drink Coke Light on a regular basis.

Some studies show some artificial sweeteners in high doses can lead to health issues, others don't. Regular use, probably not bad for you but then 'regular' is pretty subjective. I'd recommend against guzzling a few liters a day. If you can, make an effort to stick to water. Try diluting some juice in it at 10%, it'll add some flavor and some calories and some sweetness, but if you're like me and just drink a lot over the course of the day then it's a convenient way to avoid a major hit via liquid calories while also avoiding chemicals in mass produced drinks which may be questionable.