[b said:
Quote[/b] (shakeel @ Jan. 02 2006,11:22)]mikey
i like your idea of blowreps .how about a brief rest ala dc 20 s between zone?
it would be very interesting if you can share with us the rationale behind blowreps and why it works.i like the focus on stretch portion but there is a problem.when performing minireps in the stretch position the muscles are fatigued greatly and you dont have enough muscular energy to complete the upper range.example 8 in stetch zone and you might get only 4 in the upper range.so what to do?
also i see 4 minireps dont you think the tut would be too low despite heavy weights and you got to compensate by increasing sets ?
I'm not sure if you're a member at Lyle's board, but if you are, you may want to look over this (though as a warning it's technical/complicated). If not, registration is quick, and there's a lot of technical ground here that would be kind of difficult to reproduce here without typing for another 30 minutes:
As to the specifics of the recommendations, I kind of just made up something I thought sounded about right. If you can't get 8 mini reps in the upper half, the obvious answer at first would be to 'lower the weight.' Then again there's no reason you couldn't do 8 half reps in the stretch zone and 4 in the upper per se. Would that work better/worse/anything else than doing it any other way? I'm not sure we can know as there isn't any real research giving us guidelines on any of it.
As to waiting 20 seconds or 15 big breaths or whatever ala DC, that's a thought too. The problem is managing fatigue/intensity. It would be difficult to perform sets often like that, because each of your "sets," in effect, would be a form of rest/pause.
So on the one hand, giving yourself fully 20 seconds off between the stretch and pump halves (I like that division - stretch = bottom half, pump = top half) would allow you to use more weight, which all else constant is a good thing. So, in respect to that set, it'd probably be better for growth.
But what you get by more potential growth induced by a single set, you sacrifice your ability to then perform sets like this often. I would guess somewhere along DC's recommendations, maybe 1.5 times a week, if you perform a couple/few sets like that would be all you could tolerate.
I'm guessing you could do at least twice a week if you made it one continuous, non rest pause set. Is that better or worse? I'm not sure, and may even depend on the target audience (i.e. more advanced people might benefit from even higher threshhold stimuli vs. less advanced people).