keto advice please!

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I started a keto diet two weeks ago - with a 24 hour carb up on Saturdays. I have been using ketositx to check my condition. According to these I re enter ketosis fairly quickly within one day. My bathroom scales tell me I have lost 6 lbs in roughly 12 days, but........when I check the mirror I look just as fat! Absolutely no sign of fat loss - and abs no where to be seen.My lower stomach looks like an unmade road!
I am 6' tall and now weigh 80 kgs. I weight train 3 times per week recently I have gained some muscle prior to keto due to drinking whey protein after w/outs.

Any suggestions ? I guess the initial loss is mainly water? What are you experiences in the early keto stages?
many thanks
It is mainly water loss. You have lost alot of glycogen from the muscles. Glycogen = carbs =>carbs hold water.

You cant lose that mucg fat in 12 days. Look for only 1.5 pounds maximum or risk alot of muscle.

Your BW should become more stable from here out (but fluctuate higher during carb loads) and provide a better picture of progress. Remember 1-1.5 pounds loss a week.

In the end, it is calories in versus calories expended. Dont get sucked into the ketogenic fat burning BS.
It is also important to not be in a hurry. Impatience usually leads to failure by doing drastic things such as reducing calories too much or doing excessive cardio. As Keebler Elf said, aim for a loss of 1-2lbs/week and use both the scale and bodyfat calipers to measure progress. You may experience losing fat while adding muscle at the same time - depending various factors - where your bathroom scale measurements may stay constant or even increase, while your caliper measurements are improving.

Read the dieting thread in the FAQ section.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (davidm @ Feb. 02 2003,2:59)]According to these I re enter ketosis fairly quickly within one day.
Dont worry about entering ketosis, and chuck the ketostics in the can, they are mostly worthless.
yeah, the first couple days on low-carb diets sees a huge weight loss that is mostly in the form of water and glycogen. please don't be deceived by that. what everyone else here says is true. there's nothing magical about keto in that any fat-loss diet is simply a calorie deficit, given that your protein and EFA intake is adequate. i'm currently trying a CKD as well, but chose it only because of the purported appetite suppresion during the week, which has generally borne out to be true. after doing my reading, this is really the only advantage, albeit not a bad one at all for those individuals that are otherwise prone to binging on non-refeed days.

get a set of good calipers. or maybe also track your progress with a digital camera if you have one. don't rely on the scale alone.

and about the ketostix: hehe, they're fun, but don't get hung up on them. they're also expensive. it's not important to actually be in ketosis. track your calories and macronutrients on if you're low-carbing, keep your fat relatively high (50-60% or even more in some cases), protein moderate and carbs well below 10%. don't forget your veggies though.