Keto or Atkins, and HST


New Member
Hello all. Been away for a while. I have tried the Atkin's Diet before, and have had wonderful success with it. I actually lost 30 lbs in about 2 months while growing using a bullworker, of all things. But the bullworker kind of limits your growth, and rapid gains equate to rapid losses.
So, I got a weider pro machine, and it was while searching for information about the best type of workout that I stumbled upon HST. I adapted the principles of HST to workouts with the machine, as best I could, and went for bulk. While doing so I managed to gain about 25 lbs. Some of that was actually muscle.

But a lot of it settled around the midsection

Not that all of the weight around the midsection was fat. My legs grew, and my arms grew, and everything grew. Yes, even that.

But now, I need to think about cutting some in the waist area, or investing in a whole entirely new wardrobe. My question is, is it possible to maintain gains using HST while doing a ketogenic diet? When I was on the diet last time, I kept close track of ketosis, used protein supps, and lots of vitamins. Of course, my regimen has bettered since being here, but I am wondering if I am just simply going to yo yo if I go back into ketosis, and lose my gains.
Has anyone else had any experience with this? Personally, I can live off of beef jerky, cheese and hard boiled eggs for quite a while before I begin to get tired of it, and having discovered diet rite soda with splenda instead of whatever those other sweeteners are, won't suffer too greatly. Mmmm, pork rinds, I can taste them now. And later.
But will I be wasting my time? Also, creatine spiking seems to be in the forefront of my mind. Will creatine still work without carbs, or should I cut out that as well?
For anyone that is interested, I am just shy of 6'4", and weigh in at about 255 lbs. If I had a tape measure, I would measure the hole that my A/C unit is in right now and buy a replacement. The room where the weights are is a lot like a sauna.
PS - watch the leg press plate on the weider pro. Watch it snap right off, like I did. Of course, I don't think it was designed for one legged presses. 215 lbs max weight, or something close. Was ok for one leg. Now I think it may be time to head back to the gym, and the good old squat rack.
Pick one or the other.
Atkins or even a more athletic CKD/TKD is not suited to bulking.

So if your dieting, and like low carb, its best to do the likes of a CKD/TKD because they make allowances taht weight training does use glycogen as a source of energy.
If your bulking, eat a diet that contains reasonable energy, adequate protein and some carbs, even 200g will work better than a strict keto.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Will creatine still work without carbs, or should I cut out that as well?

of course you can take creatine also without carbs simply it takes more time to get to the muscles ;)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]So if your dieting, and like low carb, its best to do the likes of a CKD/TKD because they make allowances taht weight training does use glycogen as a source of energy.

if using CKD with HST, arent we simply doing full on no carb during the week plus a refeed at weekend? Or are there modifications that can be made to fit it around HST?
I'd recommend TKD (daily mini-carb up after WO).. HST is too intense to really work well with CKD (only weekend refeed).

Refeeds made me fat even when I tried to control myself.

I'm now more into the Paleolithic Diet/Protein Power approach and have substantially increased my intake of low-carb fruit (all kind of berries, strawberries and even mangoes) and also eat plenty of veggies..
Feel a lot better and I really was a fruit lover..

I eat the fruit after I get home.. and I also use a whey-honey or whey-maltodextrin drink... the whey is of course not very Paleolithic, but at least honey is..which is proven to be a better choice than many commercial sport carb-drinks..

A ckd is harder on a normal HST program, but you can work around it.
A TKD usually has the carbs prior to training, to prove a little energy prior as well as it increases glycogen formation after a training session more.
But in theory, a TKD will have to have a full refeed sooner or later, because you are fighting a losing battle agaist glycogen depletion, especialyl during the 15's. DUring the 5's its not as important.
Yes, I really felt glycogen-depleted today (2nd HST wo, with 2x15 reps, also a few 20-15 rep sets as I didn't increase weight).. I typically don't have carbs for breakfast since I cycle to the gym and want to burn fat that way. I am using yohimbine, which is why not having an insulin spike is important to me.

I have tried to go without breakfast, but as the weight training follows that bike ride so fast,I don't get enough energy that way... even more so when i was doing that with spinning sessions. The spinning does suffer somewhat now from the HST training..
I now start 'fading' away half way the routine, which is why I like being so efficient nowadays by coming late.

A decent non-carb breakfast doesn't spike insulin very much, but once there gives me enough energy to get me through the routine (I already start drinking my whey-honey mix half way the routine though).

Lower carbs is ok, relative to total calories in a day. However I seriously don't believe that the kind of low carb diet that atkins recommends is healthy. Especially if you're wanting to gain any muscle or have any kind of energy. Carbs are what give you the energy, and the daily vitamins you need to effectively grow in a healthy manner.

Carbs are in vegitables, fruit, and grains. Thats not only where all the vitamins are, but its where the energy you need to get through not just the day but an effective work out as well.

If you want an effective diet, just try keeping your calories below mantainence, keep the carbs low but only percentage wise. So if you eat 2000 calories a day, make 30% of that from carbs, 40% from protein and 30% from fat. Or at least shoot for that. I tend to stay around 150 carbs on average, and its very easy to get way over that.

So while its true, lower carbs do help in losing weight, dont take it to the extreem, it wont do you much good. Depriving yourself of the things you need isn't going to make you feel that great either, regardless if it results in less body fat.