keto questions


New Member
First time I seriously cut, my low carb diet (about 100g day) started on monday and today turned in a keto one (about 20g cho even on w/o days).Today I did my second w/o of 15s (it was a pain without carbs) and tomorrow I should be in ketosys (I'm still feeling quite a lot of acidity).The worst time is morning and early afternoon,I have been letargyc all the time legs are 'heavy' and I always feel my brain 'misty'. My cals are low (1600 and I weight 143) and BF is quite low too so I was wondering how often should I refeed?
How much should I rise cals during refeeds and how long?
Being almost zero carb I suppose that refeeds should coincide with carb ups.
Finally last question, how long should I wait before first carb up to make a keto diet working?

sorry for all these questions but this is my first time,
I need your knowledge...
in my opinion
1. first carb load should be after 7-14 days (rather sooner then later because your body is 'trained' to burn fats)
2. how many carbs ??
I would say, without limit, but stop carb load when you see that too much water under yous skin ;-)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
Subjective approach: with this approach, you simply carb to your hearts
content UNTIL you begin to feel yourself spilling water over to the skin
(i.e. you'll get bloated and smooth). This indicates that muscle glycogen
stores are full and additional carbs will go to the fat cells. The types
of carbs you consume (simple sugars vs. complex carbs) will, to a great
degree, determine how quickly your muscle cells become full.
This approach also allows you to dial in your pre-contest carbing up to
see how your body will respond and what type of carb-up will make you look
the best. To enhance fat loss, it is recommended that you do not carb for
more than 24-36 total hours. This turns the diet into 6 days of low carb
and 1 day of carbing. And, again, more days in ketosis means more fat
by Lyle ( ;-)
you can also use this link
good luck ;-)
tomorrow is my 5th day of dieting and also the last 15s day (so I will w/o).In the evening I have a dinner with my work mates that I cannot avoid so that will be substantially a cheat meal.
How should I behave?
I was thinking to put there my first refeed/carb-up (also considering that I am really lacking of energy specially morning-time) but the real problem is that I wont have no clue about cals consumed and moreover refeed should be almost fat free while food I'm gona eating wont definately be fat free.
I guessed my BF using waist line vs bodyweight and I obtained 6,6% but I think it can be around 7%.
Also should I start refeeding before w/o or after?(right now I'm in ketosys and I fear I wont be able to hit maxes without glycogen)
Last option would be dont change diet at all except for that dinner taking it as a cheat meal.
Please help me guys I'm a bit confused
The amount of carbs you use depends on your current calorie balance and the amount of carbs that you have taken in

With an extreme levle like 20-50g, you can probably get away with a 24hr refeed with levels around 10-15gxLEAN weight(kg)

which can be quite high, but one day isnt going to lead to any real fat gain
Just make sure that the weekly caloric balance remains negative, I know many people who completely ruin their keto week with a ridiculous refeed. Even by reading Lyle's keto files you can discover moments of total confusion and dissapointment simply because he was often treating the refeed day as a free day (which is rather funny when you think of how meticulous he was during the whole week).

Botom line, focus on the caloric deficit. If you are 400 kcals below maintenance for 6 days and the last day you eat 2400 above maintenance, you will go nowhere.