Looking For A Hamstring Excersie With No Low Back Involvement


Active Member
So my low back is pretty fatigued doing both Deads and Squats each session but I feel my Hamstrings could handle a little more volume. I do like doing RDLs but I would need to cut out some of my Deadlift volume and I am not particularly interested in that. So what I would like is a good exercise I can do for my hammys that has minimal to no low back involvement and that I can get in some good volume as an assistance exercise. Right now my best candidate is the sitting leg curl machine any other suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks I will give them a shot, there are a couple of machines at my gym that might work for this.
Back extensions can be performed to be essentially just hamstring specific. I probably should rephrase that to; 'the back extension equipment can be utilised to perform ... etc.'

Wider stance squat/leg press.

Use the cable tower to attach to your ankle, lie on the ground, have the setting higher, and pull that leg to the ground // stand up and pull your leg under and behind you. You're basically mimicking stretching your leg (straight) out in front of you and swinging it behind, but adding resistance.

GHR is by far the best though. Probably even better than an SLDL once you factor in DOMS and connective tissue fatigue.