Mag 10

Not to be an advertisement but...
It works. If you don't grow on it then you should take a look at how you're eating/training because something is seriously wrong.
That being said, the gains aren't as solid as I'd hoped (Read: A lot of the gains were water), which is a major psychological dissapointment by about a week after your cycle is over. Also, I would not go any longer than 2 weeks at a time without having clomid on hand, as I noticed definite suppression when I did a longer cycle.
As far as side effects, if you stick with a two-week cycle there really aren't any. It claims not to convert to estrogen, and I believe that to be accurate.
I like Mag-10, but it wasn't worth the cost for me.
Dear Founder,

I just signed up after I read your reply too mag10.

Reason I did is because i respect your answer .I mean you could have said dont buy that product because of this or that. But you gave a honest answer I think . I stumbled across your products from Ronnie Colemans personnal webtsite.

I never had heard of HSN . I have become interested in your products too ,but at the moment I cant afford the package I want. But I will really consider your products in the near future.

Keep up the good work !

Darrel J.
One interesting thing re Biotest and Mag-10. They claim there is no conversion to estrogen, which is true in a hyper-precise legalistic sense.

"Covers all the anabolic bases, achieving optimal muscle-mass gains, without estrogen or DHT side effects."

But Par on the Avant Labs board pointed out that the product contains 4AD, which converts to test, which can aromatize to estrogen. So in a "real" sense, this claim is not true.

Not that it's a bad product... you just need to carefully scrutinize marketing claims made by some of these supplement companies.