

New Member
I just bought some Melatonin because I have a hard time getting to sleep, and I've read places that it's worked well for people. But when I got home I ran a search about it, and didn't really like the results. It says it's a hormone, and long term safety is unknown. Of the links I read, they were all negative feedback, and saying it was unsafe. I'm 16, I just have a hard time getting to sleep, and this causes lack of sleep, which causes fatigue. Also, is Twinlab a trusted company? Thanks.
I use it occasionally when I'm having trouble sleeping or know I need to get in bed early to wake up early the next day. I wouldn't get into the habit of using it regularly because, like you said, of the unknown long term sides and also I wouldn't want to become dependent on it to sleep.
I too just got some melatonin sleep aid. It works OK, but nothing great - better than everything else I've tried though. I dont think occasional use will hurt, but its those who become dependent on the stuff that find problems. Your body already produces melatonin. If your taking a synthetic, it has no reason to produce its own. So, hypothetically speaking, long term or frequenct use might lead to the shut down of your mel. production - similar to what AAS does tot he bodies natural testosterone. But I'm no doctor, dont take my word for it. I'm simply speculating.