Arm is out of plaster so training will resume in the next few days, new routine will be as follows providing stiffness in wrist and thumb does not stop me, may skip 15s due to recent weight loss.
Routine A: am session - Flat Bench / Front Squat (2 x 15 reps, 3 x 10 reps, 4 x 5 reps) / Calf Raise (3 sets, total of 50 reps)
Routine A: pm session - BOR / BTN Press (2 x 15 reps, 3 x 10 reps, 4 x 5 reps) / Deadlift - 5 singles @ 1RM
Routine B: am session - Dips / Rear Squat (2 x 15 reps, 3 x 10 reps, 4 x 5 reps) / Calf Raise (3 sets, total of 50 reps)
Routine B: pm session - Military Press / Supinated Chins (2 x 15 reps, 3 x 10 reps, 4 x 5 reps) / Deadlift - 2 sets of 3 @ alternating between 90 and 100% of 3RM
Routine C: am session - Incline Bench / Barbell Hack Squat (2 x 15 reps, 3 x 10 reps, 4 x 5 reps) / Calf Raise (3 sets, total of 50 reps)
Routine C: pm session - Landmine Rows / Landmine Press (2 x 15 reps, 3 x 10 reps, 4 x 5 reps) / Deadlift - 1 set of 5 @ alternating between 90 and 100% of 5RM