Thursday 01 February 2018
Average Weight - 167.8lbs / 76.113kgs - down 1.2lbs / 0.544kgs
Average Weight was calculated over the last 7 days - 168.6 / 167.4 / 167.6 / 168.0 / 167.6 / 168.0 / 167.6 = 167.83
Average daily calorie intake based on last weeks body weight (169.0 lbs)
Nett (after cardio) 2,198 (x13.01)
Gross (before cardio) - 2,450 (x14.50)
Cardio - for consistency anything over 35,000 steps in a week will be logged as cardio, for every step over that figure 0.05 kcals will be deducted as cardio (this is assuming 2000 steps = 1 mile of walking and 100 kcals burned), should I do any running or cycling this will be logged separately - this week was 35,244 steps over
Average daily macros (c/p/f are from food only)
carbs @ 43.76% (268.01g)
protein @ 29.67% (181.71g)
fats @ 26.57% (72.31g)
alcohol @ 0%