mickc1965 training log

Monday 13 May 2023

22:30hrs - Full Body Pull Day & Obliques


Training protocol will be 3 sets per exercise performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE with a minimum 3 second eccentric (rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 90 seconds rest between sets / exercises

• Seated Single Leg Curls (rep range 6-12) - 43.6kgs (L/R) x 10/10, 8/8, 7/7

• BB RDL (rep range 6-12) - 95kgs x 10, 8, 7


Training protocol will be 3 sets per exercise performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE with a minimum 3 second eccentric (rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 90 seconds rest between sets / exercises

• Unilateral Chest Supported Rows (rep range 6-12) - 50kgs per arm* (L/R) x 3/10, -/8, -/7

Left bicep felt ok last few days and was fine during the warm up however it pulled on the 3rd rep so will leave left arm alone now for at least two weeks before attempting any loads

• Unilateral High Pulley Row (rep range 6-12) - 50kgs per arm* (L/R) x -/9, -/7, -/6

• Seated Single Arm Cable Rows (rep range 6-12) - 40.8kgs per arm (L/R) x -/8, -/6, -/6

• Rack Pulls @ knee level with shrug (rep range 4-8) - 140kgs x 4, 4, 4


Training protocol will be 2 sets per exercise performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE with a minimum 3 second eccentric (rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 60 seconds rest between sets / exercises

• Cable (Machine 1) Bayesian Curls (rep range 6-12) - 17.5kgs per hand (L/R) x -/10, -/6

• Cable (Machine 1) Curls (rep range 6-12) - 17.5kgs per hand (L/R) x -/8, -/5

• Cable (Machine 1) Hammer Rope Curls (rep range 6-12) - 17.5kgs per hand (L/R) x -/6, -/5


Focus is on obliques, training protocol will be 3 sets performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE with a minimum 3 second eccentric (rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 30 seconds rest between sets / exercises

• Cable (Machine 1) Hip level Woodchoppers (6-12) - 12.5kgs x 12, 12, 12

• Cable (Machine 1) H2L Woodchoppers (6-12) - 12.5kgs x 12, 12, 12

* denotes no allowance for any machine resistance

Progression Protocols

Once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
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Wednesday 15 May 2024

22:00hrs - Chest, Triceps, Delts & Lower Abs


Training protocol will be 3 sets per exercise (excluding ladder flies) performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE with a minimum 3 second eccentric (rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 90 seconds rest between sets / exercises

• Plate Loaded Incline Chest Press Machine (rep range 6-12) - 91.6kgs x 10, 7, 4

• Pin Selected Seated Chest Press Machine (rep range 6-12) - 59kgs x 12, 10, 9

• Dips (rep range AMRAP) - 84.5kgs (Bodyweight in gym clothes) x 12, 10, 8


Training protocol will be 2 sets per exercise performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE with a minimum 3 second eccentric (rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 90 seconds rest between sets / exercises

• Cable (Machine 1) OH Rope Tricep Extensions (rep range 6-12) - 32.5kgs x 11, 9

• Cable (Machine 1) Rope Tricep Extensions (rep range 6-12) - 30kgs x 10, 9

• Cable (Machine 1) Tricep Pushdowns (rep range 6-12) - 40kgs x 12, 9


Training protocol will be 3 sets performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE with a minimum 3 second eccentric (rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 90 seconds rest between sets / exercises

• Lateral Raise Machine (rep range 6-12) - 55kgs x 10, 9, 8


Focus is on lower abs, training protocol will be 3 sets performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE with a minimum 3 second eccentric (rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 30 seconds rest between sets / exercises

• Leg Raises (6-12) - 10kgs x 12, 10

• Reverse Crunches (6-12) - 20kgs x 10, 8

* denotes no allowance for any machine resistance

Progression Protocol

Once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Friday 17 May 2024

03:45hrs - Back, Biceps & Core

Training protocol - each set will be performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE with a minimum 3 second eccentric (sets x rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 90 seconds rest between sets / exercises (30 seconds for core)

Due to ongoing isssue with left bicep will be training right side only until the end of May (2 weeks rest)


• Unilateral Chest Supported Rows (3 x 6-12 reps) - 50kgs per arm* (L/R) x -/12, -/10, -/8

• Unilateral High Pulley Row (3 x 6-12 reps) - 50kgs per arm* (L/R) x -/10, -/8, -/6

• Seated Single Arm Cable Rows (3 x 6-12 reps) - 40.8kgs per arm (L/R) x -/10 -/9, -/8

• Rack Pulls @ knee level with shrug (3 x 6-12 reps) - 140kgs x 5, 4, 4


• Cable (Machine 1) Bayesian Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 17.5kgs per hand (L/R) x -/11, -/9

• Cable (Machine 1) Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 17.5kgs per hand (L/R) x -/8, -/6

• Cable (Machine 1) Hammer Rope Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 17.5kgs per hand (L/R) x -/9, -/7

Core (Obliques)

• Cable (Machine 1) Hip level Woodchoppers (3 x 6-12 reps) - 15kgs x 12, 12, 12

• Cable (Machine 1) H2L Woodchoppers (3 x 6-12 reps) - 15kgs x 12, 12, 12

* denotes no allowance for any machine resistance

Progression Protocols

Once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Saturday 18 May 2024

03:45hrs - Legs & Upper Abs

Training protocol - each set will be performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE with a minimum 3 second eccentric (sets x rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 90 seconds rest between sets / exercises (30 seconds for core)


• Single Leg Extensions (Machine 2 - 4 x 6-12 reps) - 55kgs (L/R) x 12/12, 10/10, 8/8, 7/7

• Plate Loaded 45° Leg Press (4 x 6-12 reps) - 175kgs x 10, 9, 8, 7


• Seated Single Leg Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 43.6kgs (L/R) x 11/12, 9/9

• Prone Single Leg Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 33.1kgs (L/R) x 9/9, 6/6

• BB RDL (4 x 6-12 reps) - 90kgs x 10, 8, 7, 6

Core (upper abs)

• Cable (Machine 1) Crunch (3 x 15-20 reps) - 22.5kgs x 20, 20, 20

• Ab Crunch Machine (3 x 15-20 reps) - 50kgs x 20, 15, 12

• 2 step Crunches (1 x AMRAP) - BW x 13

* denotes no allowance for any machine resistance

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Sunday 19 May 2024

03:25hrs - Chest, Triceps, Delts & Lower Abs

Training protocol - each set will be performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE with a minimum 3 second eccentric (sets x rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 90 seconds rest between sets / exercises (30 seconds for core)


• Pin Selected Incline Chest Press Machine (3 x 6-12 reps) - 60kgs x 12, 12, 9

• Pin Selected Flat Chest Press Machine (3 x 6-12 reps) - 60kgs x 10, 9, 8

• Dips (3 x AMRAP) - 88kgs (Bodyweight in gym clothes) x 12, 10, 9


• Cable (Machine 1) OH Rope Tricep Extensions 23 x 6-12 reps) - 32.5kgs x 11, 10

• Cable (Machine 1) Rope Tricep Extensions (2 x 6-12 reps) - 30kgs x 11, 9

• Cable (Machine 1) Tricep Pushdowns (2 x 6-12 reps) - 42.5kgs x 9, 7


• Cable (Machine 1) Face Pulls (rep range 6-12) - 32.5kgs x 12, 11, 10

• Lateral Raise Machine (3 x 6-12 reps) - 55kgs x 11, 8, 8

Core (lower abs)

• Leg Raises (3 x 15-20 reps) - 5kgs x 15, 12, 10

• Reverse Crunches (3 x 15-20 reps) - 12.5kgs x 12, 10, 8

* denotes no allowance for any machine resistance

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Monday 20 May 2024

21:15hrs - Back, Biceps & Core

Training protocol - each set will be performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE with a minimum 3 second eccentric (sets x rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 90 seconds rest between sets / exercises (30 seconds for core)

Due to ongoing isssue with left bicep will be training right side only until the end of May (2 weeks rest)


• Unilateral Chest Supported Rows (3 x 6-12 reps) - 55kgs per arm* (L/R) x -/9, -/8, -/7

• Unilateral High Pulley Row (3 x 6-12 reps) - 50kgs per arm* (L/R) x -/10, -/8, -/6

• Seated Single Arm Cable Rows (3 x 6-12 reps) - 40.8kgs per arm (L/R) x -/12 -/9, -/8

• Rack Pulls @ knee level with shrug (3 x 4-8 reps) - 140kgs x 6, 5, 5


• Cable (Machine 1) Single Arm Bayesian Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 17.5kgs (L/R) x -/12, -/10

• Cable (Machine 1) Single Arm Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 17.5kgs (L/R) x -/9, -/7

• Cable (Machine 1) Single Arm Hammer Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 17.5kgs (L/R) x -/9, -/7

Core (Obliques)

• Cable (Machine 1) Side Bends (3 x 15-20 reps per side) - 15kgs x 20, 20, 20

* denotes no allowance for any machine resistance

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Tuesday 21 May 2024

10:55hrs - Legs & Upper Abs

Training protocol - each set will be performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE with a minimum 3 second eccentric (sets x rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 90 seconds rest between sets / exercises (30 seconds for core)


• Single Leg Extensions (Machine 2 - 4 x 6-12 reps) - 57.5kgs (L/R) x 11/11, 10/10, 8/8, 5/5

• Plate Loaded 45° Leg Press (4 x 6-12 reps) - 175kgs x 11, 9, 8, 7


• Seated Single Leg Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 45kgs (L/R) x 10/10, 8/8

• Prone Single Leg Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 33.1kgs (L/R) x 10/10, 6/6

• BB RDL (4 x 6-12 reps) - 90kgs x 10, 8, 6, 5

Core (upper abs)

• Cable (Machine 1) Crunch (3 x 15-20 reps) - 30kgs x 20, 16, 12

• Ab Crunch Machine (3 x 15-20 reps) - 54kgs x 12, 10, 9

* denotes no allowance for any machine resistance

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Wednesday 22 May 2024

22:35hrs - Chest, Triceps, Delts & Lower Abs

Training protocol - each set will be performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE with a minimum 3 second eccentric (sets x rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 90 seconds rest between sets / exercises (30 seconds for core)


• Pin Selected Incline Chest Press Machine (3 x 6-12 reps) - 70kgs x 12, 10, 8

• Pin Selected Flat Chest Press Machine (3 x 6-12 reps) - 60kgs x 12, 10, 9

• Dips (3 x AMRAP) - 87.5kgs (Bodyweight in gym clothes) x 14, 11, 10


• Lateral Raise Machine (3 x 6-12 reps) - 55kgs x 11, 10, 9

• Rear Delt Fly Machine (3 x 6-12 reps) - 52kgs x 12, 11, 10


• Cable (Machine 1) OH Rope Tricep Extensions (2 x 6-12 reps) - 32.5kgs x 12, 10

• Cable (Machine 1) Rope Tricep Extensions (2 x 6-12 reps) - 30kgs x 12, 9

• Cable (Machine 1) Tricep Pushdowns (2 x 6-12 reps) - 42.5kgs x 10, 8

Core (lower abs)

• Leg Raises (3 x 15-20 reps) - 5kgs x 18, 15, 12

• Reverse Crunches (3 x 15-20 reps) - 10kgs x 15, 12, 10

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Thursday 23 May 2024

22:25hrs - Back, Biceps & Core

Training protocol - each set will be performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE (sets x rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 90 seconds rest between sets / exercises (30 seconds for core)

Due to ongoing isssue with left bicep will be training right side only until the end of May (2 weeks rest)


• Unilateral Chest Supported Rows (3 x 6-12 reps) - 55kgs per arm* (L/R) x -/10, -/8, -/8

• Unilateral High Row (3 x 6-12 reps) - 50kgs per arm* (L/R) x -/10, -/9, -/7

• Seated Single Arm Cable Rows (3 x 6-12 reps) - 45.3kgs per arm (L/R) x -/10, -/9, -/8

• Rack Pulls @ knee level with shrug (3 x 6-12 reps) - 100kgs x 12, 9, 8


• Cable (Machine 1) Single Arm Bayesian Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 20kgs (L/R) x -/10, -/8

• Cable (Machine 1) Single Arm Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 17.5kgs (L/R) x -/10, -/9

• Cable (Machine 1) Single Arm Hammer Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 12.5kgs (L/R) x -/12, -/11

Core (Obliques)

• Cable (Machine 1) H2L Woodchoppers (3 x 15-20 reps per side) - 15kgs x 15, 15, 15

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Thursday 30 May 2024

00:45hrs - Legs

Training protocol - each set will be performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE (sets x rep range stated after each exercise) with approximately 90 seconds rest (2 minute rounds) between sets / exercises

• Leg Extensions (Machine 2 - 3 x 6-12 reps) - 115kgs x 12, 10, 8

• Seated Leg Curls (3 x 6-12 reps) - 88.6kgs x 8, 6, 5

• Leg Extensions (Machine 1 - 3 x 6-12 reps) - 90kgs x 10, 9, 8

• Prone Leg Curls (3 x 6-12 reps) - 66.4kgs x 8, 6, 5

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Thursday 30 May 2024

22:30hrs - Chest, Triceps & Delts

Training protocol - 2 minute rounds with each set will be performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE (sets x rep range stated after each exercise)


• Pin Selected Incline Chest Press Machine (2 x 6-12 reps) - 75kgs x 12, 9

• Pin Selected Flat Chest Press Machine (2 x 6-12 reps) - 65kgs x 12, 11

• Dips (2 x AMRAP) - 88kgs (Bodyweight in gym clothes) x 14, 12


• Cable (Machine 1) OH Rope Tricep Extensions(2 x 6-12 reps) - 25kgs x 12, 10

• Cable (Machine 1) Rope Tricep Extensions (2 x 6-12 reps) - 25kgs x 12, 10

• Cable (Machine 1) Tricep Pushdowns (2 x 6-12 reps) - 25kgs x 12, 11


• Lateral Raise Machine (2 x 6-12 reps) - 55kgs x 12, 11

• Rear Delt Fly Machine (2 x 6-12 reps) - 59kgs x 12, 11

* denotes no allowance for any machine resistance

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Friday 31 May 2024

22:35hrs - Back & Biceps

Training protocol - 2 minute rounds with each set performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE (sets x rep range stated after each exercise)

Note - 1st session back using left arm following bicep injury, used an elbow sleeve pulled over the complete bicep and reps were guided by how it felt


• Unilateral Chest Supported Rows (2 x 6-12 reps) - 55kgs per arm* (L/R) x 11/11, 9/9

• Unilateral High Row (2 x 6-12 reps) - 50kgs per arm* (L/R) x 11/11, 9/9

• Seated Single Arm Cable Rows (2 x 6-12 reps) - 45.3kgs per arm (L/R) x 11/11, 9/9

• Rack Pulls @ knee level with shrug (2 x 6-12 reps) - 110kgs x 9, 7


• Cable (Machine 1) Bayesian Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 20kgs per hand (L/R) x 8/8, 7/7

• Cable (Machine 1) Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 17.5kgs per hand (L/R) x 7/7, 5/5

• Cable (Machine 1) Hammer Curls (2 x 6-12 reps) - 25kgs x 12, 10

* denotes no allowance for any machine resistance

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Saturday 01 June 2024

21:00hrs - Legs

Training protocol - 2 minute rounds with each set performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE (sets x rep range stated after each exercise)

• Single Leg Extensions (Machine 2 - 3 x 6-12 reps) - 60kgs (L/R) x 12/12, 10/10, 8/8

• Seated Single Leg Curls (3 x 6-12 reps) - 43.6kgs (L/R) x 9/9, 8/8, 7/7

• Single Leg Extensions (Machine 1 - 3 x 6-12 reps) - 45kgs (L/R) x 11/11, 9/9, 8/8

• Prone Single Leg Curls (3 x 6-12 reps) - 33.1kgs (L/R) x 7/7, 6/6, 6/6

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Thursday 06 June 2024

09:00hrs - Legs

Training protocol - 2 minute rounds with each set performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE (sets x rep range stated after each exercise)

• Single Leg Extensions (Machine 2 - 3 x 6-12 reps) - 62.5kgs (L/R) x 9/9, 8/8, 8/8

• Seated Single Leg Curls (3 x 6-12 reps) - 43.6kgs (L/R) x 10/10, 8/8, 7/7

• Single Leg Extensions (Machine 1 - 3 x 6-12 reps) - 45kgs (L/R) x 12/12, 10/10, 8/8

• Prone Single Leg Curls (3 x 6-12 reps) - 33.1kgs (L/R) x 8/8, 7/7,

• Abductors** (3 x 6-12 reps) - 60kgs x 12, 12, 12

• Adductors** (3 x 6-12 reps) - 60kgs x 12, 12, 12

* no allowance for any machine resistance
** supersets

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Friday 07 June 2024

10:40hrs - Chest, Triceps & Delts

Training protocol - 2 minute rounds with each set performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE (sets x rep range stated after each exercise)


• Pin Selected Incline Chest Press Machine (4 x 6-12 reps) - 80kgs x 10, 8, 7, 6

• Pin Selected Flat Chest Press Machine (4 x 6-12 reps) - 70kgs x 12, 10, 7, 7

• Dips (4 x AMRAP) - 89kgs (Bodyweight in gym clothes) x 14, 12, 10, 10


• Lateral Raise Machine (4 x 6-12 reps) - 60kgs x 10, 8, 7, 6

• Rear Delt Fly Machine (4 x 6-12 reps) - 66kgs x 12, 10, 10, 9


• Cable (Machine 1) OH Rope Tricep Extensions (3 x 6-12 reps) - 27.5kgs x 12, 10, 9

• Cable (Machine 1) Rope Tricep Extensions (3 x 6-12 reps) - 27.5kgs x 12, 10, 8

• Cable (Machine 1) Tricep Pushdowns (3 x 6-12 reps) - 27.5kgs x 12, 11, 10

* no allowance for any machine resistance
** supersets

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Saturday 08 June 2024 @ 12:30hrs

Back & Biceps

Training protocol - 2 minute rounds with each set performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE (sets x rep range stated after each exercise)


• Unilateral Chest Supported Rows (2 x 6-12 reps) - 55kgs per arm* (L/R) x 10/10, 8/8, 6/6

• Unilateral High Pulley Row (2 x 6-12 reps) - 50kgs per arm* (L/R) x 10/10, 8/8, 6/6

• Seated Single Arm Cable Rows (2 x 6-12 reps) - 45.3kgs per arm (L/R) x 8/12

Left bicep felt uncomfortable so stopped, will now take a couple of weeks rest completely from training

* denotes no allowance for any machine resistance

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Sunday 30 June 2024 @ 00:50hrs


Training protocol - 2 minute rounds with each set performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE (sets x rep range stated after each exercise)

• Single Leg Extensions (Machine 2 - 6 x 6-12 reps)

50kgs (L/R) x 12/12, 11/11, 10/10, 9/9, 8/8, 8/8

• Seated Single Leg Curls (6 x 6-12 reps)

39kgs (L/R) x 11/11, 9/9, 8/8, 6/6,
36.6kgs (L/R) - 7/7, 6/6

* no allowance for any machine resistance
** supersets

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Sunday 30 June 2024 @ 22:00hrs

Chest, Triceps & Delts

Training protocol - 2 minute rounds with each set performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE (sets x rep range stated after each exercise)


• Pin Selected Incline Chest Press Machine (3 x 6-12 reps)

80kgs x 9, 7, 6

• Pin Selected Flat Chest Press Machine (3 x 6-12 reps)

70kgs x 12, 8, 6

• Dips (3 x AMRAP)

89kgs (Bodyweight gym clothes) x 10, 9, 8


• Cable (Machine 1) OH Rope Tricep Extensions (3 x 6-12 reps)

27.5kgs x 12, 10, 8

• Cable (Machine 1) Rope Tricep Extensions (3 x 6-12 reps)

27.5kgs x 8, 7, 6

• Cable (Machine 1) Tricep Pushdowns (3 x 6-12 reps)

27.5kgs x 10, 9, 8


• Lateral Raise Machine (3 x 6-12 reps

60kgs x 9, 8, 7

• Rear Delt Fly Machine (43 x 6-12 reps)

66kgs x 10, 9, 8

* no allowance for any machine resistance
** supersets

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Tuesday 02 July 2024 @ 12:45hrs

Back & Biceps

Training protocol - 2 minute rounds with each set performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE (sets x rep range stated after each exercise)

Due to recent left bicep injury reducing load to about 75% of previous loads and will increase load slowly over the upcoming weeks


• Unilateral Chest Supported Rows (3 x 6-12 reps)

40kgs per arm* (L/R) x 12/12, 12/12, 8/8

• Unilateral High Pulley Row (3 x 6-12 reps)

35kgs per arm* (L/R) x 12/12, 10/10, 8/8

• Seated Medium Grip Cable Row (3 x 6-12 reps)

72.5 kgs x 10/10, 8/8, 6/6

• DB Shrugs (3 x 6-12 reps)

30kgs (per hand) x 12, 12, 12


• Cable (Machine 1) Bayesian Curls (2 x 6-12 reps)

15kgs per hand (L/R) x 12/12, 12/12

• Cable (Machine 1) Curls (2 x 6-12 reps)

27.5kgs x 9, 7

• Cable (Machine 1) Hammer Curls (2 x 6-12 reps)

17.5kgs x 12, 12

* no allowance for any machine resistance
** supersets

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%
Monday 15 July 2024 @ 23:00hrs

Legs & Core

Training protocol - 2 minute rounds with each set performed close to TECHNICAL FAILURE (sets x rep range stated after each exercise)

• Single Leg Extensions (Machine 2 - 3 x 6-12 reps)

55kgs (L/R) x 10/10, 8/8, 6/6

• Seated Single Leg Curls (3 x 6-12 reps)
39kgs (L/R) x 10/10, 8/8, 6/6,

• Single Leg Extensions (Machine 1 - 3 x 6-12 reps)

45kgs (L/R) x 8/8, 6/6, 6/6

• Prone Single Leg Curls (3 x 6-12 reps)

27kgs (L/R) x 10/10, 7/7, 6/6


• Ab Crunch Machine (3 x 6-12 reps)

54kgs x 12, 10, 8

• DB Side Bends (3 x 6-12 reps)

4kgs (L/R) x 12/12, 10/10, 8/8

* no allowance for any machine resistance
** supersets

Progression Protocols - once target reps are achieved on the 1st set the weight will be increased by 5-10%