mickc1965 training log

Monday 30 September 2024 @ 07:30hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause:
Working sets will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 2 or 3 rest pause sets (~30 seconds rest between each set) <8 rep sets will have 4x warm up sets (8 reps @ ~50%, 5 reps @ ~60%, 3 reps @ ~70% & 2 reps @ ~80% of the load on the working sets), 9+ rep & AMRAP sets will have 3x warm up sets (8 reps @ ~50%, 5 reps @ ~65%, 2 reps @ ~80% of the load on the working sets), all working reps will be 4-5 seconds on the eccentric and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Pull Day

• Chest Supported Rows** (6-8)

90kgs x 6+4+4+3

• Prone Leg Curls (6-8)

50kgs x 6+5+4+3

• High Pulley Lat Pulldown with Angles 90** (6-8)

80kgs x 6+4+3+3

• BB Rear Shrugs (AMRAP)

100kgs x 8+5+4+3

• Cable (Machine 1) Rope Hammer Curls (6-8)

27.5kgs x 8+5+4+4

Workout Note: Difficult session today due to illness, struggling to breathe throughout

** no allowance for any machine resistance

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased by ~5% next workout
Tuesday 01 October 2024

Forced rest day as feeling rough plus working nights, needed to try and get a decent sleep
Wednesday 02 October 2024 @ 07:30hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause:
Working sets will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 2 or 3 rest pause sets (~30 seconds rest between each set) <8 rep sets will have 4x warm up sets (8 reps @ ~50%, 5 reps @ ~60%, 3 reps @ ~70% & 2 reps @ ~80% of the load on the working sets), 9+ rep & AMRAP sets will have 3x warm up sets (8 reps @ ~50%, 5 reps @ ~65%, 2 reps @ ~80% of the load on the working sets), all working reps will be 4-5 seconds on the eccentric and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Push Day

• Flat Bench Press on Smith Machine** (6-8)

60kgs x 5+3+2+2

• Leg Extensions on Machine 2 (6-8)

92.5kgs x 7+6+5+3

• Viking Press** (6-8)

40kgs x 6+4+3+3

• Rear Delt Machine (6-8)

79kgs x 5+4+3+3

• Cable (Machine 1) Rope Tricep Extensions (6-8)

25kgs x 8+5+3+3

** no allowance for any machine resistance

Still feeling a bit rough but felt better than previously but it turned out quite bad during the workout, significantly out of breath during each exercise and the drop off in performance was more significant than expected, 12 hour night shifts don’t help either

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased by ~5% next workout
Thursday 03 October 2024 @ 22:00hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause:
Working sets will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 3 rest pause sets (~30 seconds rest between each set) <8 rep sets will have 4x warm up sets (8 reps @ ~50%, 5 reps @ ~60%, 3 reps @ ~70% & 2 reps @ ~80% of the load on the working sets), AMRAP sets will have 3x warm up sets (8 reps @ ~50%, 5 reps @ ~65%, 2 reps @ ~80% of the load on the working sets), all working reps will be 4-5 seconds on the eccentric and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Pull Day

• Medium Grip Seated Cable Rows with Angles 90 (6-8)

72.5kgs x 6+4+3+3

• Seated Leg Curls (6-8)

54.3kgs x 8+7+6+5

• Wide Grip Lat Pulldown with Angles 90 (6-8)

58.9kgs x 8+5+4+4

• BB Front Shrugs with Versa Gripps (6-8)

110kgs x 6+5+4+3

• Cable (Machine 1) Machine Curls with Angles 90 (6-8)

25kgs x 8+6+5+4

Still not feeling very well but I wasn’t out of breath during workout

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased by ~5% next workout
Friday 04 October 2024 @ 09:00hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause:
All sets will be AMRAP to TECHNICAL FAILURE with ~30 seconds rest between each set, all reps will be 4-5 seconds on the eccentric


• Hanging Knee Raises (AMRAP)

BW x 8+7+6+5

• Cable Side Bends (Machine 2 - AMRAP)

15kgs x 8+7+6+5 (per side)

• Ab Crunch (Machine 2 - AMRAP)

60kgs x 8+7+6+5


• BW Calf Raise (AMRAP)

Did not perform as left ankle playing up again

Cardio (heart health)

• Treadmill @ 3.57mph / 4.0 incline

1.19 miles (20:00 minutes)
Saturday 05 October 2024 @ 17:00hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause
: 1st working set will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 3 rest pause sets (~30 seconds rest between each set) <8 rep sets will have 4x warm up sets (8 @ ~50%, 5 @ ~60%, 3 @ ~70% & 2 @ ~80% of the load of the working sets), AMRAP sets will have 3x warm up sets (8 @ ~50%, 5 @ ~65%, 2 @ ~80% of the load of the working sets), all working reps will be 4-5 seconds on the eccentric and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Push Day

• Leg Extensions on Machine 2 (4-8)

92.5kgs x 7+6+5+3

• Assisted Dip Machine (4-8)

111.5kgs (BW +25) x 6+4+3+2

Note - BW (86.5kgs) is fully clothed

Will lower load as struggling with the TUT at this load

• Lateral Raise Machine (4-8)

60kgs x 5+4+3+3

• Rear Delt Machine (4-8)

79kgs x 5+4+3+3

• Cable (Machine 1) Tricep Pushdowns (4-8)

35kgs x 6+4+3+3

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased by ~5% next workout
Sunday 06 October 2024 @ 03:40hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause:
1st working set will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 3 rest pause sets (~30 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be 4-5 seconds on the eccentric and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Pull Day

• Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown with Angles 90 (4-8

72.5kgs x 7+4+3+3

• Standing Leg Curls (4-8)

27.5kgs (L/R) x 7/7+6/6+5/5+4/4

• Straight Arm Rope Pulldown on Cable Machine 2 (4-8)

54.4kgs x 8+5+4+3

• DB Shrugs with Versa Gripps (4-8)

40kgs (L/R) x 8/8+5/5+4/4+4/4

• Cable (Machine 1) Bayesian Curls (4-8)

12.5kgs (L/R) x 7/7+5/5+4/4+4/4

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout
Monday 07 October 2024 @ 02:15hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause:
1st working set will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 3 rest pause sets (~30 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be 4-5 seconds on the eccentric and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Push Day

• Pin Selected Incline Chest Press Machine (4-8)

70kgs x 7+4+3+2*

• Single Leg Extensions on Machine 2 (4-8)

45kgs (L/R) x 8/8+7/7+6/6+5/5

• Plate Loaded Seated Shoulder Press** (4-8)

62.5kgs x 7+5+4+4

• Single Arm Rear Delt Machine (4-8)

39kgs x 8/8+7/7+6/6+5/5

• Cable (Machine 1) OH Rope Tricep Extensions (4-8)

22.5kgs x 6+5+4+4

* failed on the next rep attempt
** no allowance for any machine resistance

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout
Tuesday 08 October 2024 @ 11:30hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause:
1st working set will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 3 (4 for legs) rest pause sets (~30 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be 4-5 seconds on the eccentric and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Pull Day

• Chest Supported Rows with Versa Gripps** (4-8)

90kgs x 7+5+4+3

• Prone Leg Curls (4-8)

45kgs x 8+5+4+4+3

• High Pulley Lat Pulldown with Angles 90** (4-8)

80kgs x 6+4+3+3

• BB Rear Shrugs with Versa Gripps (4-8)

100kgs x 8+6+4+4

• Cable (Machine 1) Rope Hammer Curls (4-8)

27.5kgs x 8+5+4+4

** no allowance for any machine resistance

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout
Wednesday 09 October 2024 @ 04:00hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause
: 1st working set will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest), all reps will be 4-5 seconds on the eccentric and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Push Day

• Pin Selected Flat Chest Press Machine (4-8)

70kgs x 7+3+2+2+2+1

• Leg Extensions (toes / \) on Machine 2 (4-8)

90kgs x 6+4+3+3+2+2

• Lateral Raise Machine (4-8)

50kgs x 7+3+3+2+2+2

• Rear Delt Machine (4-8)

66kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Cable (Machine 1) Rope Tricep Extensions (4-8)

27.5kgs x 6+3+2+2+2+2

• Ab Crunch Machine 2 (4-8)

60kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout
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Thursday 10 October 2024 @ 03:45hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause:
1st working set will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be 4-5 seconds on the eccentric and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Pull Day

• Seated Medium Grip Cable Rows with Angles 90 (4-8)

72.5kgs x 7+3+3+2+2+1

• Seated Leg Curls (4-8)

56.6kgs x 8+4+3+2+2+2

• Wide Grip Lat Pulldown with Angles 90 (4-8)

60.15kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• BB Front Shrugs with Versa Gripps (4-8)

110kgs x 6+2+2+2+2+2

• Cable (Machine 1) Machine Curls with Angles 90 (4-8)

27.5kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Cable (Machine 1) Side Bends (4-8)

15kgs x 8+4+4+3+3+3 (per side)

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout
Friday 11 October 2024 @ 08:30hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause
: 1st working set will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be 4-5 seconds on the eccentric and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Push Day

• Leg Extensions (toes \ /) on Machine 2 (4-8)

85kgs x 6+2+2+2+2+2

• Dips (4-8)

99.2kgs (BW +10) x 6+2+2+2+2+2

Note - BW (89.2kgs) is fully clothed

• Lateral Raise Machine (4-8)

50kgs x 7+3+3+2+2+2

• Rear Delt Machine (4-8)

66kgs x 8+3+3+3+2+2

• Cable (Machine 1) Tricep Pushdowns (4-8)

32.5kgs x 6+2+2+2+2+2

• Ab Crunch Machine 2 (4-8)

60kgs x 8+3+3+3+2*+2

* failed TUT on the next rep

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout
Saturday 12 October 2024 @ 11:15hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause
: 1st working set will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Pull Day

• Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown with Angles 90 (4-8)

72.5kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Standing Leg Curls (4-8)

25kgs (per leg) x 8+4+3+3+3+3

• Straight Arm Rope Pulldown on Cable Machine 2 (4-8)

55.65kgs x 7+3+2+2+2+2

• DB Shrugs with Versa Gripps (4-8)

40kgs (per hand) x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Cable (Machine 1) Bayesian Curls (4-8)

12.5kgs (per hand) x 8+3+3+3+3+2

• Cable (Machine 1) Side Bends (4-8)

17.5kgs (per side) x 8+4+3+3+3+3

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout
Monday 14 October 2024 @ 09:00hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause:
1st working set will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Push Day

• Pin Selected Incline Chest Press Machine (4-8)

70kgs x 7+3+2+2+1+1

• Leg Extensions on Machine 2 (4-8)

90kgs x 8+4+3+2+2+2

• Lateral Raise Machine (4-8)

50kgs x 7+3+3+2+2+2

• Rear Delt Machine (4-8)

67.25kgs x 6+2+2+2+2+2

• Cable (Machine 1) OH Rope Tricep Extensions (4-8)

22.5kgs x 6+2+2+1*+1+1

• Rope Crunch (Machine 2 - 4-8)

22.5kgs x 8+3+3+3+3+3

* failed TUT on the next rep

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout
Tuesday 15 October 2024 @ 14:00hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause
: 1st working set will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Pull Day

• Chest Supported Unilateral Rows** (4-8)

90kgs x 7+2+2+2+2+1

• Prone Leg Curls (4-8)

46.1kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• High Pulley Unilateral Lat Pulldown with Angles 90** (4-8)

80kgs x 6+2+2+2+1+1

• Straight Arm Rope Pulldown on Cable Machine 2 (4-8)

55.65kgs x 7+2+2+2+2+2

• BB Rear Shrugs with Versa Gripps (4-8)

100kgs x 8+2+2+2+2+2

• Seated Adductor Machine (4-8)

60kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Cable (Machine 1) Rope Hammer Curls (4-8)

27.5kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout

** no allowance for any machine resistance
Wednesday 16 October 2024 @ 07:45hrs (following a night shift)

Training Protocol - Rest Pause: 1st working set will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Push Day

• Flat Bench Press on Smith Machine** (4-8)

50kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Leg Extensions on Machine 2 (4-8)

92.5kgs x 7+3+2+2+2+2

• Standing Cable (Machine 1) Flies (4-8)

25kgs (12.5kgs per hand) x 8+4+3+3+2+2

• Seated Abductor Machine (4-8)

60kgs x 8+4+4+3+2+2

• Standing Lateral Raise Machine (4-8)

50kgs x 7+3+3+3+2+2

• Seated Rear Delt Machine (4-8)

66kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Cable (Machine 1) Rope Tricep Extensions (4-8)

27.5kgs x 6+2+2+2+2+2

• Hanging Knee Raises (4-8)

BW x 6+2+2+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout

** no allowance for any machine resistance
Thursday 17 October 2024

Thinking of going to PPL going forward rather than the recent push (upper / lower), pull (upper / lower)
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Thursday 17 October 2024 @ 13:45hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause:
1st working set will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Pull Day

• Seated Medium Grip Cable Rows with Angles 90 (4-8)

72.5kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Wide Grip Lat Pulldown with Angles 90 (4-8)

61.4kgs x 7+3+2+2+2+2

• Straight Arm Pulldown on Cable Machine 2 (4-8)

55.65kgs x 7+2+2+2+2+2

• BB Front Shrugs with Versa Gripps (4-8)

102.5kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Cable (Machine 1) Machine Curls with Angles 90 (4-8)

30kgs x 7+3+2+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout
Friday 18 October 2024 @ 08:00hrs (following a 12hr night shift)

Training Protocol - Rest Pause: 1st working set will be in the rep range stated after each exercise followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE


• Leg Extensions (toes / \) on Machine 2 (4-8)

80kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Seated Leg Curls (4-8)

59kgs x 8+3+3+3+2+2

• Seated Abductor Machine (4-8)

62.5kgs x 6+2+2+2+2+2

• Seated Adductor Machine (4-8)

62.5kgs x 4+2+2+2+2+1


• Hanging Knee Raises (4-8)

BW x 6+2+2+2+2+2

• Alternating Rope Oblique Crunches (Machine 2 - 4-8)

25kgs (per side) x 8+2+2+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout