Coming to the end of SD and training starts back up on Saturday, decided to change things slightly where I will now be working working backwards from my 5rm in 2.5% increments starting week 1 @ 60% of 5rm, exercises will be the same a last cycle (Day 1 Supinated Chins and Dips, Day 2 Neutral Grip Chins and OH Press and repeat) and will look as follows, will possibly have one rest day per week but knowing me will just plough on with no rest days.
Starting with activation set of 25 reps @ 60% of 5 rep max followed by 2 or 3 myo rep sets of 5 reps (depending on how I feel on the day) until 25 reps cannot be achieved then dropping to activation set of 20 reps followed by 2 or 3 myo rep sets of 4 reps until 20 reps cannot be achieved then dropping to activation set of 15 reps followed by 2 or 3 myo sets of 3 reps until 15 reps cannot be achieved then dropping to 10 reps followed by 2 or 3 myo sets of 2 reps until 10 reps cannot be achieved then it will be 10 reps (cluster sets) increasing load until 5 reps not achieved, once all exercises have stalled at fewer than 5 reps I will retest 25, 20, 15 and 10 rep maxes (single set so no myo reps) followed by SD
Squats and Deadlifts will be as posted recently, see below
Day 1 - Squats - 1 set AMRAP @ 75% of 1rm
Day 2 - Squats - light day probably 2 sets of 3 reps @ 75% of 1rm
Day 3 - Deads - 1 set AMRAP @ 75% of 1rm
Day 4 - Squats - 1 set of 5 reps @ 85% of 1rm
Day 5 - Squats - as day 2
Day 6 - Deads - 1 set of 5 reps @ 85% of 1rm
Day 7 - Squats - 1 set of 2/3 reps @ 90% of 1rm
Day 8 - Squats - as day 2
Day 9 - Deads - 1 set of 2/3 reps @ 90% of 1rm
Day 10 - Squats - 1 single @ 95% of 1rm, occasionally will follow this with a new 1rm attempt
Day 11 - Squats - as day 2
Day 12 - Deads - 1 single @ 95% of 1rm, occasionally will follow this with a new 1rm attempt
and repeat.........