Monday 25 April 2016
6:00pm - TRAINING PROTOCOL - HST (CYCLE 15) - loads @ stated % of 5 rep max from last cycle (figures in brackets represent actual rep maxes for each rep range from a previous HST cycle)
Overhead Press (51kgs x 25, 58.25kgs x 20, 65kgs x 15 / 71.25kgs x 10 / 75.5kgs x 5) 1 AMRAP set (20 max) then 2nd set clustered to achieve same number of reps in 1st set) @ 76.16% of previous 5rm
Work sets- 57.5kgs x 20, 11+4+3+2
Accessory Work
Side lateral raises - 7kgs x 10, 10, 10
Rear lateral raises - 7kgs x 10, 10, 10
Shrugs - 170kgs x 15, 15