mickc1965 training log

Friday 13 May 2016

TRAINING PROTOCOL - nothing specific

Calf Raises - 130kgs x 15, 15, 15

Side Bends - 10kgs x 30, 30, 30

Hanging Knee Raises - 20, 20, 20

Crunches - 10kgs x 25, 25, 25
Friday 13 May 2016 - 2536 kcals less 258 (2 mile run)

MyFitnessPal macros


Fitbit snapshot

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Saturday 14 May 2016

7:25am - TRAINING PROTOCOL - HST (CYCLE 15) - loads @ stated % of 5 rep max from last cycle (figures in brackets represent actual rep maxes for each rep range from a previous HST cycle)

Body weight (in gym wear) - 81.5kgs

Supinated Grip Chins (??kgs x 25, 93kgs x 20, 101.25kgs x 15 / 109.75kgs x 10 / 117.5kgs x 5) 1 AMRAP set (15 max) then 2nd set clustered to achieve same number of reps in 1st set @ 90.43% of previous 5rm

Work sets - 106.25kgs (BW plus belt plus 24kgs) x 15, 8+3+2+2

Accessory Work

Wide Grip Pullups - 81.5kgs (Body Weight) x 10, 10, 10

Neutral Grip Chins - 81.5kgs (Body Weight) x 10, 10, 10

7:45am - 2 mile walk (@ 4mph)
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Saturday 14 May 2016

4:15pm - TRAINING PROTOCOL - warm ups then 30 reps (target is to achieve this in 3 sets before increasing load) @ 56.92% of current 1rm

Rear Squats (162.5kgs x 1)

Warm ups - 40kgs x 5, 60kgs x 5
Work sets - 92.5kgs x 12, 10, 8

Accessory Work

Front Squats - 60kgs x 10, 10, 10

Barbell Hack Squat - 60kgs x 10, 10, 10
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Sunday 15 May 2016

6:25am - TRAINING PROTOCOL - HST (CYCLE 15) - loads @ stated % of 5 rep max from last cycle (figures in brackets represent actual rep maxes for each rep range from a previous HST cycle)

Body weight (in gym wear) - 81.5kgs

Overhead Press (51kgs x 25, 58.25kgs x 20, 65kgs x 15 / 71.25kgs x 10 / 75.5kgs x 5) 1 AMRAP set (10 max) then 2nd set clustered to achieve same number of reps in 1st set) @ 91.06% of previous 5rm

Work sets - 68.75kgs x 8
Metabolic set - 51.75kgs x 13

Note - strength seems to be decreasing on this exercise so after only getting 8 reps in first set (first rep was really slow) decided to do a metabolic set, will continue with this method for remainder of cycle.

Accessory Work

Side lateral raises - 7kgs x 15, 15, 15

Rear lateral raises - 7kgs x 15, 15, 15

Shrugs - 170kgs x 15, 15

6:50am - 3 mile walk (@ 4mph)
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Sunday 15 May 2016

6:20pm - TRAINING PROTOCOL - DELOAD DAY warm ups then 30 reps (6 sets of 5 reps) @ 70% of current 1rm

Deadlift (200kgs x 1)

Warm ups - 60 kgs x 8, 100kgs x 5
Work sets - 140kgs x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Accessory Work

SLDL - 60kgs x 10, 10, 10
Have only just started doing them so nothing to report as yet, not really pushing the loads yet, just keeping each rep slow and rest between sets short

Monday 16 May 2016

5:55am - TRAINING PROTOCOL - HST (CYCLE 15) - loads @ stated % of 5 rep max from last cycle (figures in brackets represent actual rep maxes for each rep range from a previous HST cycle)

Body weight (in gym wear) - 81.5kgs

Dips (94kgs x 25, 107.75kgs x 20, 121.5kgs x 15 / 135.5kgs x 10 / 142.5kgs x 5) 1 AMRAP set (10 max) then 2nd set clustered to achieve same number of reps in 1st set @ 92.98% of previous 5rm

Work Sets - 132.5kgs (BW plus belt plus 50.25kgs) x 10, 6+2+2

Accessory Work

Flat Bench - 65kgs x 12, 10, 8

Press Ups x 10, 10

6:20am - 2 mile run
I am a bit concerned about my overall arm size as they seem to be losing a bit too much size for my liking during this cut so I may add some direct arm work :eek: but not sure at the moment, if I do it will have to be in the evening sessions as I do not have the time in the mornings unless I get up 10-15 minutes earlier (so would need to be up and about by 5:20 am) as I need the time in the morning for 20-25 minutes of weights followed by 30 minutes of walking (or 18 minutes of running) - work just seems to get in the way of life!!
Monday 16 May 2016

6:50pm - TRAINING PROTOCOL - nothing specific

Calf Raises - 130kgs x 15, 15, 15

Side Bends - 10kgs x 30, 30, 30

Hanging Knee Raises - 20, 20, 20

Crunches - 10kgs x 25, 25, 25

Skullcrushers - 25kgs x 10, 10, 10

Tuesday 17 May 2016

6:30am - TRAINING PROTOCOL - HST (CYCLE 15) - loads @ stated % of 5 rep max from last cycle (figures in brackets represent actual rep maxes for each rep range from a previous HST cycle)

Body weight (in gym wear) - 81.25kgs

Supinated Grip Chins (??kgs x 25, 93kgs x 20, 101.25kgs x 15 / 109.75kgs x 10 / 117.5kgs x 5) 1 AMRAP set (15 max) then 2nd set clustered to achieve same number of reps in 1st set @ 92.55% of previous 5rm

Work sets - 108.75kgs (BW plus belt plus 26.75kgs) x 12, 7+3+2

Accessory Work

Wide Grip Pullups - 82.5kgs (BW plus belt plus 0.5kgs) x 12, 10, 8

Neutral Grip Chins - 82.5kgs (BW plus belt plus 0.5kgs) x 12, 10, 8

EZ curls - 25kgs x 12, 10, 8

7:00am - 2 mile walk
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I always did direct arm work. Maybe you can do biceps and triceps on alternate days as I do to save time.
That is the plan but after doing 3 sets of skullcrushers yesterday and 3 sets of bicep curls this morning I remember why I stopped doing them - aching elbow joints
Tuesday 17 May 2016

6:00pm - TRAINING PROTOCOL - DELOAD DAY warm ups then 30 reps (6 sets of 5 reps) @ 56.92% of current 1rm

Rear Squats (162.5kgs x 1)

Warm ups - 40kgs x 5, 60kgs x 5
Work sets - 92.5kgs x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Accessory Work

Front Squats - 62.5kgs x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Barbell Hack Squats - 62.5kgs x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
I can't do skullcrushers either, for the same reason but triceps pushdowns are fine on me. Maybe that's an idea for you.

That is the plan but after doing 3 sets of skullcrushers yesterday and 3 sets of bicep curls this morning I remember why I stopped doing them - aching elbow joints
That is the plan but after doing 3 sets of skullcrushers yesterday and 3 sets of bicep curls this morning I remember why I stopped doing them - aching elbow joints