Multiple sets and failure


New Member
Im planning my first cycle and have a question about set volume.

Im planning on using 2 sets for a few body parts I believe larger amounts of volume are required to induce growth, primarily my back.

The question is how do you determine the weight of the second set vs. the first. My concern is that I DO NOT want to start inadvertantly going to failure prematurely during the second week . I believe this will happen using straight set weights.



So what if it happens? At the end of the second week, if you've advanced in weights to your maxes early, then you cluster the rest of the set. You can only gain strength and size from it. (assuming your diet) You should be going up to your maxes, or your NEW max anyway at the end of the mesocycle.
There is no reason to change load from one set to the next. Use the same load for all sets. Increase the load on the next workout as planned. If you must cluster or do singles, then do so and don't worry about it. The purpose is to load the muscle with a prescribed load.

It is the load that stimulates a growth response, not fatigue nor a specific number of reps.