Muscle Building Nutrition

There really isn't much new under the sun when it comes to diet. If you want to make some money, I guess it is a great idea to rehash some of the current or past dieting principles in a different packaging or under a catchy name. Will Brink is a very knowledgeable guy, but I doubt there will be any groundbreaking stuff in that book that hasn't been said before.

But lets hear what someone who has read the book has to say first. :)
I havent brought the book, and even if I didnt have a education in the area, I wouldnt buy it.
Wills old information was 40% pro, 30% carbs and 30% fat yada yada.
I dont know if he has changed much, but the eating protocols that bryan has provided are free. There are hundreds/thousands of pages of information available on the web that are just as simple.

OR in the simplest terms

Estimate caloric requirement, (10-12xlbm cut, 15-20xlbm bulk)
set protein intake at around 1g/lb
Get some fat (~25%), especailly mono and poly (try maintaining a better ratio of n3:n6)
Eat some fruits and veges, especially brihgtly coloured and green veges.
MAke up calories with whatever you like, if you like starchy carbs, use them, if you like fats, use them (try to choose a monounsaturated source if possible)
If you like veges, eat tons of veges.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Estimate caloric requirement, (10-12xlbm cut, 15-20xlbm bulk)
does any body knows if this still true (mostly for bulking) on low carb diet (bulking) ??
many people reported that they need way more calories on low carb than on high (moderate) carb diet to get the same increase in weight (muscle)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ZMT @ July 01 2003,11:20)]does any body knows if this still true (mostly for bulking) on low carb diet (bulking) ??
many people reported that they need way more calories on low carb than on high (moderate) carb diet to get the same increase in weight (muscle)

Many people report no need for additional calories on low carb. Most people struggle to get decent lbm gains on low carb (without anabolic assistance)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Blade @ June 30 2003,7
4)]There really isn't much new under the sun when it comes to diet. If you want to make some money, I guess it is a great idea to rehash some of the current or past dieting principles in a different packaging or under a catchy name. Will Brink is a very knowledgeable guy, but I doubt there will be any groundbreaking stuff in that book that hasn't been said before.
But lets hear what someone who has read the book has to say first. :)
Hi Blade,
I would just like to say up front, that I look after the private members area and private forum that people who buy Muscle Building Nutrition by Will Brink actually get. So that said, It's only fair to say my view is biased yet at the same time I would like to point out a few issues that have not been raised.
A) MBN (Muscle Building Nutrition) is not just about nutrition. Although it includes around 200 pages of nutritional information on anabolic dieting, that's only one part of the Ebook.

It also includes a Bodybuilding supplement section, where Will personally reviews indepth over 30 of the big name supplements out there, including Myostatin, Ando supps, etc, etc, so for many people who many not be incredibly knowledgable or who would like an independant review from a guy with a good repuation, that's worth it's money ten times over to stop people wasting money on useless supps.

On top of that it includes a full training chapter by Charles Poliquin and numerous workouts and workout information by Charles.

It also includes a Members Zone, in which we have a private members forum whereby people for no extra $$ can chat with Will Brink free of charge on any topic they want, Charles Poliquin also pops in on occasion and adds comments. Will is on there every day answering questions, it's treated as real part of his job for Will.

It also includes a large number of resources in the members area, including things like online exercise videos and explanations on pperformance and a whole host of other resources that we keep adding to all free and part of the book purchase.

We are also now in the process of putting up our 'Guru Articles' section where we have a number of big industry names writing articles for the members.

So, I do appreciate your comment, that there isn't a huge amount new in nutrition, but it can still be very confusing to many, and people often want somebody they can trust to give them the answers in a straight forward fashion which Will does.

Other issues, he did not just rehash some stuff to make money, anybody who knows WB, knows he is one of the few people left in this indsutry who have not whored themselves out for a buck.

Also he does not recommend a diet of 40% protein for gains in LBM.In the members zone is a calulator that we created which allows people to plumb in a few personal details and it then allows the results to be printed or emailed to them, giving the a full daily diet to follow which outlines the calories, macro nutrient ratios etc that they need per meal based on the information they give the calcualtor.

I do understand there are some very knowledgable people out there who may not need Wills information but there is a huge majority who are still confused over contructing a proper diet, and understanding about supplements and training. Wills book does cover these issues.

On our forum, on many threads we speak very higly of Bryan, as we think he's a bright guy with some great methods, we actively suggest people check out HST. Will has personally stated to the members at MBN, that he thinks Bryan is a very knowledgable guy with some excellent methods.

I guess emotionally I am quite tied to MBN as I receive a large number of testamonials and good feedback about the book, the forum, the supplements reviews, etc and it's hard to see something your associated with dismissed as I have seen on here.

That's my two cents, for what's worth, and I realise I am potentially biased, but (a) I didn't pretend, like some Internet saddo, that I was not attached to MBN, and (b) the statements above are fair and accurate.

MBN is much more than just a diet Ebook, it gives them a free one on one with Will Brink, lifetime of free updates to the ebook, An ever growing supplement reviews section, some great training ideas and workouts from Charles Poliquin AND a full section on general nutritional information on how to gain muscle with nutrition.

Sorry to go on, but it's hard to see something your associated with given an out of hand nose snub.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]So, I do appreciate your comment, that there isn't a huge amount new in nutrition, but it can still be very confusing to many, and people often want somebody they can trust to give them the answers in a straight forward fashion which Will does.

Other issues, he did not just rehash some stuff to make money, anybody who knows WB, knows he is one of the few people left in this indsutry who have not whored themselves out for a buck.

I agree on both of these points. So, given the information you have provided on the fringe benefits attached to buying the book, it looks like the book should be well worth the money.


[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Also he does not recommend a diet of 40% protein for gains in LBM.
which is why I made the comment
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Wills old information was 40% pro, 30% carbs and 30% fat yada yada.
It doesnt imply anything along the lines of thats his current thinking.