Muscle Milk by Cytosport


New Member
Hey guys

If only HSN were selling in Nutrition stores down in Trinidad

I've been shopping around for Supps, (now I'm using Universal's - Ultra Whey Pro) Pre WO, and a Milk Based Shake post WO

was at the Nutrition store and the CLerk was telling me all these Amazing things about Muscle Milk from CytoSPort. Does it make that much of a difference? or stick with the cheaper Universal Shake till I get a hold of HSN

I read the ingredients and I'm seeing that Creatine is present I loved my gains while on Creatine (EAS) 2 years ago
i have been using muscle milk for awhile now.

the taste itself is great. the creatine in it i dont think is a lot, but its enough i see a difference. I'm a hard gainer( been lifting for 4 years almost, do a lot of weight for my size, but look like i can barely curl 30s), and ever since i have been taking muscle milk i have been seeing small gains. combined with hst i have been seeing definite gains.

I take a half or full dosage before lifting, and another half or full dosage after lifting if i'm not about to go eat. Taking it about 45 minutes to an hour before the workout, i see a huge difference in my energy then if i didnt take it at all.

Doing legs has never been so painless. After the first couple of weeks of doing legs on muscle milk, the "jello" or sore legs the next day really does almost disappear.

Overall, it's expensive, but the taste, protein amount, and things is does may be enough to give it a try for a month or two and see if you like it.