My bulking diet

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alek
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This is just a sample day, as I rarely eat the same thing two days in a row, but those are the rough guidelines. My main concern is with gaining fat (I VERY easily do). I am 203 pounds @ 14-17%. Any suggestions on calories, food, macronutrient breakdown, anything?

My plans are not the typical meal based format, but just a bunch of food packed in containers, so here's the bulk of the day's food in one list:

WholeFat Milk (1.5 liters), 945kcal, 52f, 69c, 48p
Cheese, Edamer, 360 kcal, 28.3f, 24.8p
Tuna, Waterpacked (3 cans), 318 kcal, 78p
Oatmeal (2,5 cups), 560 kcal, 11f, 111c, 22p
Bread, Rye, 264kcal, 1.3f, 56c, 6p
Crackers, Whole Wheat, 400kcal, 5f, 75c, 15p
Mayo, light (2 tsp), 34kcal, 3.5f
Chicken Breast, 280kcal, 7f, 50p
Bread, White Toast, 424 kcal, 6f, 78c, 13p

Calories 3585, Fat 112g (29%), Protein 257g (29%), Carb 393g (42%)

Oh and what about non-workout days? Can I cut back to maintenance there? Or whatever knowledge and tips you have on minimizing fat gain.
Your totals look ok to me. If you say you have problems gaining fat, you could get a little more nitpicky concerning your food choices.......but you are bulking, so I wouldn't worry.
Thanks baby

Anyone have perhaps any rough guidelines on tracking & modifying? Like how much fat gain do you accept on every 2 weeks before you cut back calories. When do you go upping calories etc?
Typically if I am gaining more than 2lbs a week, I will be putting on more fat than I would like and I will cut kcals back by about 200/day. But that is just from my experience, as I am sure that others experiences will vary.
this might be a dumb question, but when is the best time to weigh yourself? i would guess after the morning pee for accuracy, but im not weight changes +,- 3 lbs so it is hard to tell when im gaining/losing.

any tips?
It is really hard to try and track weight from day to day. Weighing once a week is probably a better idea. Just weigh yourself when you first wake up after you take a pee pee on the same day of each week.
i weigh myself at the end of the week on a non-workout day right after waking up and pissing. and weigh with an accurate balance scale. cheap weighing scale lies!
Baby A hit the nail on the head, it's about consistency and NOT driving yourself insane.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ April 27 2005,9:57)]it's about consistency and NOT driving yourself insane.
That concept is I beleive THE king of all nutritional advice! :D

If I could magically implant one thing into the silly teenagers I see doing crazy diets around here... THIS would be it.