My bulking diet...


New Member
This is my current plan for my bulking diet for my 6x a week HST program.  I am 135 pounds, 5'5'', and about 10-11% bodyfat.  Any suggestions on my diet?  

Also right now I am pretty much planning to have the same thing everyday, but I'm not sure what to do on my one off day.  Should I keep it the same, boost my carbs and lower calories, or something else?

Meal 1 - 1.5 cups Kashi Go Lean and .5 cups Flax Seed cereal
with raisins, honey, and a banana, 1/2 cup omega 3 eggs, multivitamin, flax pill, fish oil pill

PRE-WO - 1 cup oats with honey, 2 scoops whey, 5g creatine

PWO - 2 scoops whey, 32g dextrose, 5g creatine, 1 cup oats with honey

Meal 4 - 1 can of tuna fish on wheat bagel, veggies or salad with almonds, flax pill, fish oil pill

Meal 5 - turkey sandwich on wheat (plain), salad or veggies, then - fat free jello or nuts

Meal 6 - 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts, veggies

Before Bed - 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, salad with almonds, flax pill

Total:  3,260 calories, 54g fat, 430g carbs, and 290g protein

So I think I definitely need to get my calories down by a few hundred, and also my carbs and protein. I can't figure out where to make a cut though without losing too much of something.
You need a lot more fat and less protein in my opinion. 30% of your calories should come from fat and you should be getting closer to 1g/lb of bodyweight in protein.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (baby a @ April 15 2005,12:38)]You need a lot more fat and less protein in my opinion.  30% of your calories should come from fat and you should be getting closer to 1g/lb of bodyweight in protein.
Yeah, I know I need to bring the protein way down. Should I toss one of the chicken breasts and just go with one and maybe add olive oil to use on the 1 chicken breast or something?
I don't think your carb intake is half of what's stated. You have a bagel, a sandwich, and 2 cups of oats for your carb intake. The point is you're bulking. Your diet is higher than what you need per your bodyweight for sure, but you're skinny anyways. I would stick with it for sure and take measurements after a few weeks. Bulking and gaining some fat goes hand in hand. Realistically, bulk up w/ some fat gain, then go for the cut. You can't do both at once.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (combat_action @ April 15 2005,3:00)]I don't think your carb intake is half of what's stated.  You have a bagel, a sandwich, and 2 cups of oats for your carb intake.  The point is you're bulking.  Your diet is higher than what you need per your bodyweight for sure, but you're skinny anyways.  I would stick with it for sure and take measurements after a few weeks.  Bulking and gaining some fat goes hand in hand.  Realistically, bulk up w/ some fat gain, then go for the cut.  You can't do both at once.
Well, that's the number Fitday is giving me. I'm getting most of them from the cereal in the morning, the oats, the bread and bagel, honey, raisins, the banana, dextrose, veggies, cottage cheese, and milk. I also entered everything by the label and not by Fitday's numbers.

Well I don't want to go this far overboard on my calories. My metabolism is pretty slow and I gain fat easily.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (skinnyman @ April 15 2005,7:06)]just make sure you eat enough everyday [not sure about non-workout days]
I will be sticking pretty close to this diet everyday to make sure I am getting enough calories.
Do I need 4 scoops of whey, or would 3 or 2 be alright? Because that would help lower my calories some and my protein is already high enough.  Although I would be worried I'm not getting enough protein pre and post workout and not enough of the amino acids that come in the protein powder.
i read somewhere here [maybe in the fAQ] than 1g protein per pound is already enough. i just don't know why DC trainers go up to 2-3g/lb per pound.

quot from Diet and Nutrition FAQ
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Now this may seem contradictory to the general rule of 1 gram per pound bodyweight. I'm not saying that a guy can't gain weight with more than 15% calories from protein, I'm only saying that weight gain is greatest at 15%. He will be ok with an intake of 0.75 grams/pound FFM to gain muscle. In fact, everybody should use FFM instead of bodyweight to plan protein intake, but sometimes it's just too hard to figure it out, so most people use bodyweight.
at 135, i think 3200 cals is a bit much. Id drop it down to about 2500-2700....
Im 175lbs. 6' and am bulking (started at 160lb)
Ive been eating just around 3000cals a day and have been gaining a pound of two a week, (thats all you need, anymore and itll be fat)

Also I dont suggest 4 scoops of whey,
try 1 scoop per shake, meaing 2 scoops total, or one PWO shake with two scoops, depends on what your eating Pre-workout.

good luck
general recommendation 0.7-1g dex. powo (i'd shoot for 1g) and 1/3-1/2 that much protein

i doesn't matter where your protein comes from (whole food or powder) as long as you get sufficient amounts

1g / lb bodyweihgt is fine, when on ph's / aas you can go way beyond this (i'd cut down on fat then)

i think 54g fats is absolutly fine for your bodyweight but you can increase it so not to go to high with carbs (my fat intake is 60g now and i am around 185 lbs / 15 % bodyfat)

cut down on carbs if you put on fat easily (to around 40-45 % of total) this might help a bit with fat gain

2500 kcal should be fine

this comes down to
60g fats - 540 kcal
200 g protein - 800
300g carbs - 1200

you also have to think that protein has the highest termogenic effect...protein that cant be stored will mostly be converted into sugar (gluconeogenesis)

2500 kcal might even be to much, i am 40lbs heavier and bulk at 3000-3100 :-)

ps: my protein intake now is around 250g which is 1.3 g / lb body weight, i use a total of 4 scoop protein a day becaue i CAN NOT STAND tuna, egg whites and cottage cheese...yeah, i am one of the doomed folkes...well i have to live with it :-)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Nemesis7884 @ April 18 2005,4:18)]2500 kcal should be fine
this comes down to
60g fats - 540 kcal
200 g protein - 800
300g carbs - 1200
you also have to think that protein has the highest termogenic effect...protein that cant be stored will mostly be converted into sugar (gluconeogenesis)
i CAN NOT STAND tuna, egg whites and cottage cheese...yeah, i am one of the doomed folkes...well i have to live with it :-)
A lot of the protein that can't be used will be excreted in urine or feces, IMHO, if carbs are sufficient to maintain glucose levels then I wouldn't worry too much about gluconeogenesis.
I live on Tuna and Cottage Cheese YUM YUM   :D
sure...but as he wrote he gains fat easily he could try to carb down on 40-45 %... i am on 45 % right now and it works fine for me (dont spare on carbs pre/post workout tough)

wel you are a lucky guy...if only i could eat tuna and cottage cheese...this stuff kills me

but i can east as much choccolate as i want...thats at least...something...
How is my revised plan. I cut the calories some and made a few other changes. Should I cut the calories even more (because if so taking out a scoop or two of whey is no problem)? I just want to make sure I am eating enough for 6x a week full body training, but not gaining too much fat.

Also, .7-1 gram of dextrose post workout? That seems like a lot because it would increase my calories and carbs by a ton. Should I have this even if I also have oats post workout?

Meal 1 - 1 cup Kashi Go Lean and .5 cup Flax Seed cereal, 1 cup skim milk, multivitamin, flax pill, fish oil pill

PRE-WO – 1/2 cup oats with honey, 2 scoops whey, 5g creatine

PWO - 2 scoops whey, 32g dextrose, 5g creatine, 1/4 cup oats with light honey

Meal 4 - 1 can of tuna fish, potato, veggies or salad with almonds, flax pill, fish oil pill

Meal 5 - turkey sandwich on wheat, salad with almonds or veggies, then -jello or nuts

Meal 6 - 1 boneless skinless chicken breasts, 1 TBS olive oil, ½ cup brown rice, veggies

Before Bed - 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, salad with almonds, flax pill, fish oil pill

2,728 calories, 63g fat, 327g carbohydrates, 242g protein (21% fat, 44% carbs, 35% protein).
For me personally, I would still drop protein down to at least closer to 1g/lb of LBM, and would up my fat to 25-30% of kcals. Fill up the rest with carbs. But whatever works for you.... ;)
Tuna and a little mayo. Wonders, man. WONDERS!!!

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]i read somewhere here [maybe in the fAQ] than 1g protein per pound is already enough. i just don't know why DC trainers go up to 2-3g/lb per pound

Yeah, I used to think so too, but then I tried it and was like "holy crap . . ." I mean, yeah, the poopoo gets kinda obnoxious but it's probably the best thing I've done after HST.

It's not really so much about the amino acids contributing to protein synthesis, per se, but the indirect effects associated with the program.

First, eating that much protein already mandates a significant caloric surplus if you're already eating moderate amount of carbs. But, because it's more difficult for your body to convert protein into sugar and metabolize it, much less of it will be stored as bodyfat. Ergo, you can go higher in caloric surplus without the associated risk in bodyfat.

Second, the meat barrage creates a sort of "carb-sparing" effect. Meaning, some of your carb intake is just there to mantain normal blood sugar levels and most of it gets stored into your body.

In order to avoid having your carbs go to your gut, you time a significant part of your carbs around your post-WO window. Also you use workouts with higher metabolic stress (the miracle of the burn set yo!) in order to facilitate glycogen storage. If you already have a high metabolism, this scenario is unlikely because you'll tend to burn sugar at a much quicker rate anyway. While keeping your protein intake constant, you would adjust your carb intake day-to-day depending on whether it's workout day or not and whether your glycogen stores are saturated or not. But that would be about it.

Anyway, that's my reasoning for why DC's approach to bulking diet works the way it does. In short, you have a lower-than-normal risk of gaining fat because your caloric surplus is largely protein. And the combination of timed carb intake and a workout which induces an extreme amount of metabolic stress means that higher-than-normal carb intake gets stored into your muscle. Ergo, super-fast weight gain.

In this sense, it's not about macronutrient ratio or nitrogen retention. It's just about creating a metabolic mileiu whereby protein dominates everything, thus pushing carbs (and fat) into storage.

God, Allyson Hannigan is SO cute! Just had to say that. Anyway . . .

[b said:
Quote[/b] (vicious @ April 19 2005,11:40)]Tuna and a little mayo.  Wonders, man. WONDERS!!!
Nah man, try Tuna mixed with mustard and flax oil, now that's the bomb. ;)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ April 20 2005,8:37)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (vicious @ April 19 2005,11:40)]Tuna and a little mayo.  Wonders, man. WONDERS!!!
Nah man, try Tuna mixed with mustard and flax oil, now that's the bomb.   ;)
I just mix my tuna with some nasty fat free mayonaise for a little bit better texture.

What about my question about dextrose? Are you really supposed to have .7-1g of dextrose post workout? I though I read somewhere that around 30g was sufficient.