Glad it's not just me then @mickc1965 Lol
At the end of the workout I came over extremely nauseas and very nearly puked so the sudden switch to high reps must have really shocked my system ...
20 reps on deadlift, and 3 sets of 20 on squats would make anyone feel nauseousLooking forward to seeing some more gains from you on this cycle, especially on that squat!
Monday 16th January 2017
Cycle 2 - Week 5
5s phase
Workout A ...
Weighted Chins - 10kg plate - 3 x 5
Deadlift - 165 kg - 1 x 8 (paused reps)
- 165 kg - 1 x 13 (TNG)
- 165 kg - 1 x 8 (paused reps)
Bench press - 90 kg - 1 x 10
- 90 kg - 1 x 10
- 90 kg - 1 x 8
- 90 kg - 1 x 8
Squats - 91 kg - 3 x 10
Lat pull down - 2 x 10
DB shoulder press - 27.5kg dbs - 3 x 10
Upright row - 40 kg - 2 x 10
Okay so it was the first workout of the 5s phase today but I ended up easily getting 10 reps on most of my exercises.
I know I should've just stopped at 5 and done more sets but thought i would take advantage while I still can.
I also experimented with my deadlifts a bit today ....
Usually I do touch and go - PROPER touch and go with full control & no bouncing
Reason being is that I like to stay braced and tight throughout the movement and I just feel safer doing touch and go.
But today I thew in 2 paused rep sets just to mix things up and get a feel for it....
I easily got 8 on both those sets and had plenty more in the tank ... Probably could've hit 12 if honest as it was nowhere near failure. but I just wanted to get a feel for them today.
I also did my usual touch and go set for an easy 13 reps
Still not sure how I feel about paused reps yet ..
The form felt perfect overall , but I just hate losing the tightness at the bottom as it makes my lower back feel vulnerable.
I'll probably keep mixing them in over the next few weeks with my touch and go ... Just so I get the best of both worlds.