My Low Carb Diet Experiment

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">As of right now, i truly suspect that what most people say is correct-- &quot;low carb diets work because your calories are cut so drastically.&quot;</div>
That's my opinion, too. BTW, thanks for sharing your experience. Keep us posted and best of luck.
Steve, great thread! Two questions...

1) What kind of weight are you pushing with that routine?

2) I know you said you aren't sure what your BF%, but can you post a range of what it might be? 12-15%? 15-18%? 18-21%? 21%+?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">1) What kind of weight are you pushing with that routine?</div> hey offense, but I'd rather not post the weights I use.  I think it would distract from this thread. I reached my current strength levels while eating tons of carbs, so don't want to give anyone the wrong impression.  However, you may pm me and I'll gladly tell you. <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> I know you said you aren't sure what your BF%, but can you post a range of what it might be?  12-15%?  15-18%? 18-21%? 21%+?</div>I estimate 19%

DAY #5

I don't know what to say here.  I'm trying to be as unbiased as possible with this little experiment of mine, but I have to admit that I really don't want it to work.  I'm very surprised at my energy levels in the gym.  Very strong, especially while cutting.  Maybe it's because I'm consuming alot of calories (3200+), or.....well, too early for speculation.  Anyway, good workout.  Everything going well.  Mood has improved a great deal and I feel good.  I've always been very skeptical when someone who doesn't workout tells me they feel good on a low carb diet and they have tons of energy, but how you feel outside of the gym is easily swayed by your psychological mindset. I mean, regardless of my carb intake, I've walked into the gym feeling great, only to have the weights kick my butt.   The weights don't lie to you like your mind does. They always tell you just how much energy you have or don't have.  Today, the weights told me I had plenty of energy.  

Bought some ketone strips today.  My ketone level is somewhere between 60-80 milligrams per deciliter.  So, I'm definitely in ketosis.  

5th workout of 5's, working at 94%
16 sets
elevated diamonds*
60 minutes low intensity cardio

*elevated close stance pushup
If you're in Steve's neighborhood with a flat and no jack, not to worry...
Hey Steve, that's very motivational. I've not done lowcarb yet, but you have me encouraged, especially with fatigue as a daily value for me. This log will be a boon to us all.
After your cut, would you ever be considering bulking with lowcarb? Or do you feel that it would be too hard to get the cals in?
For me, it will start to get more interesting in a few weeks time but it is quite surprising that you have adapted to the pretty extreme change in macro's as quickly as this.

I don't remember you saying how much weight you are planning on losing while on low carbs (but I suppose that depends on how it pans out)?
Quad, I wouldn't get your hopes up yet. I've only been on this for 5 days, so LOL is right. Who knows what will happen once I've been in ketosis for a couple of weeks. I have a long way to go before this experiment is over. I'm just calling it day by day, trying to be as objective as possible.
Day #6

Day off

Usually do cardio on this day, but skipped. Feeling good...not bothered by diet the least little bit (except when family rolls their eyes at me during dinner).
I know you aren't tracking macros or anything but can you give us an idea of your Calories in each day's report?

Are keeping everything else constant except for the change in diet?  Meaning, were you always doing this amount of cardio and a relatively similar exercise routine...
Also, while carbs ar very low, are your total calories for the day the same as previosly?

The issue for me is if you are able to achieve your desired results and cut a bunch of fat, which I hope you do, if everything has changed it will be impossible to attribute it to any one variable.  It could be the lowered carbs, the lowered calories, the extra exercise etc.  I hope you only have one independent variable.  I realize its a case study at best regardless, but it would be nice if you could try to establish some type of cuase-effect relationship, at least for yourself.  Good luck.
As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I will always consume at least 3200 calories per day.  Every morning, I consume 1/4 cup olive oil, and then cook my day's food and keep it with me in a popcorn tin wherever I go.  If, for some reason, I'm unable to consume everything in the tin, I calculate my calories and consume the rest in olive oil.  

At the beginning of this experiment, I thought I wouldn't be able to consume 3200 cals per day in just meats/cheese/eggs/nuts.  I was wrong.  I easily consume 20 pieces of bacon per day now, and that alone adds up to 2200 calories.  Today I ate everything in my tin plus 5 more pieces of bacon, 1 more ounce of cheese, and 6 more ounces of hamburger.  

That all added up to a total of 4290 calories for today.  In 7 days, I have consumed 24190 calories, which is 1790 more calories than my 22400 weekly minimum (3200 per day).  

The kind of cardio and the amount that I do is the exact same kind of cardio I have done my last two cuts (actually I'm doing a bit less right now).  

As far as my appetite goes, I was always full in the first few days and felt stuffed.  Now that has changed.  I guess my appetite has adjusted to the new diet.  As previously stated, I did this diet 10 years ago and was full all the time with little calories.  I don't know why things are so different this time.  It's measuring time tomorrow morning, and I don't feel like I've lost anything, at least not on the waist.  We'll see.  I'm concerned about this bacon.  It says on the package that it was cured with salt, blah, blah, and SUGAR.  However, it says 0g carbs per serving on the package.

Day #7
No weights
No cardio of any kind (except chasing kids and walking dogs)
Feel good, energetic, etc. etc.
(stevejones @ May 02 2008,8:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> offense, but I'd rather not post the weights I use.</div>
Fair enough. It might scare most of us away, anyhow...

However, would you be willing to characterize your weight schedule? That is to say: Are you lifting particularly heavy? or light? or are you pretty much carrying on your usual training?
(colby2152 @ May 05 2008,10:56)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The amount of saturated fat in the diet would scare me...</div>
I agree on that point. Bacon is okay occasionally, but not every day. Nuts, avocado, oliveoil, canolaoil, flaxsseedoil, salmon etc would be a better fatsource.

I will follow this log with interest Steve. I like your passion for your diet. Good luck!
Wow, Steve, I'm impressed, and I plan on tracking this journal in great detail!

My cut last year is well documented (in my journal here, I believe), and I was setting strength PRs all over the place whilst in a restricted calorie / low carb state.  It was quite amazing.

I don't know if you remember my cut last year, but I went mental at around 50g per day, and in the end, I had to keep it at around a hundred so I could function outside they gym.  

....but then again, my goal was a modest one, which was to clock in at about 8% bodyfat, which I did.  To get any leaner would have required the 25 to 50g per day dosing of carbs, and I just didn't have the mental fortitude.

My success plan last year was simple and effective....
heavy lifting (I think I maxed out at 4 reps for most exercises, including lots of singles)
static cardio (45 or so minutes 3x / week)
carbs @100g per day

Now, here's something you should find really interesting, and that is this: I've maintained a low carb lifestyle ever since last year, eating at most @150 grams...on a bad day. My bodyfat is actually lower than it was last year, and I wasn't even actively trying to reduce was just a byproduct of eating lower carb counts in general.

I think once you've reached your main goal, a simple limitation of carbs / day (maybe as much as 200g for someone your size), you'll be able to retain your leanness w/out much effort.

Waist 40.5 inches....Weight 283 lbs.  That's right people, I have gained weight.  This is a great diet if you want to maintain your strength levels while you get FATTER.  Every bodybuilder's dream !  You can't beat it ! No wonder I was maintaining my strength levels and feeling like I had plenty of energy...I've been BULKING !

Day #8
Last day of 5's @ 100%, strong day....was able to get 6.5 reps on incline bench, new record.  Everything else---the same.  My carbs are now down to almost zero.  I'm only eating about 1 oz of nuts per day, which is about 5 grams.  My ketone level is at 80 milligrams per deciliter now, so I'm pretty &quot;deep&quot; into ketosis already.  I&quot;m feeling good...plenty of energy...just wish I wasn't gaining..but, hey...what did I really expect when I'm going overboard on calories?  Still, I&quot;m not going to change anything with it.  See how it goes.  

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">However, would you be willing to characterize your weight schedule? That is to say: Are you lifting particularly heavy? or light? or are you pretty much carrying on your usual training?</div>As mentioned throughout this thread, I'm doing a cut while doing vanilla HST.  Standard HST should be the same for start with lower numbers and work up to your maximum levels.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">but then again, my goal was a modest one, which was to clock in at about 8% bodyfat, which I did.  To get any leaner would have required the 25 to 50g per day dosing of carbs, and I just didn't have the mental fortitude.</div>I think you would have had the fortitude if you ate like me.  I'm not over here limiting myself to salmon, chicken breasts, and lean turkey slices.  My diet is saturated FAT, some protein, some more saturated fat, little protein, and a whole lot more saturated FAT.  The only meat I eat is red meat loaded with fat..tons of it.  Most nutritionists would probably try to have me arrested.  By the way, clocking in at 8% is not a modest goal, especially for me.  I&quot;ve been there and done that...IT'S DAMN HARD.  So, you are to be commended for accomplishing that. I'm not even vying for 8%, all I want is 10% while maintaining as much strength as possible (more than 80%...probably aiming too high).  I'm very strong due to genetics and customized powerlifting programs, but unfortunately I have to be a fat azz to keep it.
Well, that's 6 days, out of which for 4 you probably weren't in ketosis, so wouldn't that have had a negative effect temporarily? You're probably right to remain as is for now to see what happens in the next week.
It's one thing I haven't seen anyone post about: what happens in the days before acheiving ketosis. I mean, sucking down LARD while the body is hunting carbs can't be good.
(stevejones @ May 06 2008,3:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Waist 40.5 inches....Weight 283 lbs. That's right people, I have gained weight. This is a great diet if you want to maintain your strength levels while you get FATTER.  Every bodybuilder's dream ! You can't beat it ! No wonder I was maintaining my strength levels and feeling like I had plenty of energy...I've been BULKING!</div>
I know it's still early days but I hope Martin is reading this thread.